“Story of Wong Chin Foo: Justice for America’s Chinese,” Project Pengyou, June 27, 2015.
“Seligman became fascinated with Wong Chin Foo, a historical figure in the history of Chinese-Americans during the Chinese Exclusion Act era. He painted a riveting picture of Wong as a plucky Chinese immigrant with impeccable English caught between worlds. He was born in Shandong but adopted by American missionaries, and spent much of his life trying to build bridges between Americans and Chinese, fighting the prejudice towards Chinese in America that was prominent during that time.” MORE
“Experience of a Chinese Journalist,” The Library of America Story of the Week, May 15, 2015.
“Shortly after becoming an American citizen in 1874, Wong Chin Foo traveled across the United States on the lecture circuit. He hoped to educate audiences on Chinese culture and to combat the pervasive stereotypes of Chinese immigrants. When he appeared in front of a crowd of more than six hundred at Steinway Hall, The New York Herald reported his most famous line: 'I never knew rats and dogs were good to eat until I learned it from Americans.'” MORE
“Wong Chin Foo,” Laszlo Montgomery's China History Podcast, June 30, 2014.
“Though not a well-known person from history, [Wong Chin Foo] nonetheless played a major role during the 1880s and 1890s fighting against the racist anti-Chinese immigration laws passed by the U.S. Congress. Author Scott Seligman’s book, The First Chinese American, tells the whole story of Wong Chin Foo and his times.” MORE
“洋作家蘇思綱拼湊王清福非凡·一生,” 世界日報, April 17, 2014.
“猶太裔美國作家蘇思綱(Scott Seligman)退休後投入研究華裔移民史,拿出猶太人寫族譜的功力,遍尋蛛絲馬跡寫成《The First Chinese American - The Remarkable Life of Wong Chin Foo》(美國華裔第一人:王清福非凡的一生),6日晚在美京華埠「美京中國文化中心」和讀者面對面座談,在一小時演講後的問答,聽眾提問踴躍,欲罷不能.” MORE
“為華人爭取權益 華裔民權先驅王清福,” 星島日報, April 5, 2014.
“史力曼「蘇思綱」為王清福製作了年譜,描繪了王清福的一生,從1847年在山東省一殷實家庭出生,1860年隨父親遷居山東煙臺,1867年受洗 加入教會,1868年到美國華府,進哥倫比亞學院預校就讀,次年轉往賓州路易斯堡學校,1870年返回中國,次年成婚,並經指派為清朝的上海中國海關傳譯。1873年因為參與革命,遭清朝追捕,逃到美國,1874黏在密西根州入籍成為美國公民。1879年曾短暫住在芝加哥,1880年在密西根州開茶店。1882年美國通過排華法案。1883年他在紐約曼哈頓創辦了「華裔美人」。許多人相信這是美國第一份中文報紙.” MORE
“蘇思綱演講聚焦華裔人權鬥士王清福,” 世界日報, March 29, 2014.
“華埠歷史學者蘇思綱 (Scott D. Seligman)去年寫就, 出版英文著作「美國華裔第一人:王清福非凡的一生」(The First Chinese American: The Remarkable Life of Wong Chin Foo), 他將於4月6日於華府中國城舉行一場演講,讓有興趣者認識這位華裔民權鬥士.” MORE
“Stories to Tell,” Yellow Magazine, November, 2013.
“Acclaimed writer and career 'China hand' Scott D. Seligman tells the story of Wong Chin Foo (1847-1898), a trailblazer and born showman who proclaimed himself China's first Confucian missionary to the United States, founded America's first association of Chinese voters, and was the first to use the term 'Chinese American.'” MORE (Scroll to page 16).
“两百年之变与不变 - 华人在美地位变迁之小考,” 僑報, November 18, 2013.
“ 王清福于1870年代突然出现在美国的政治舞台上,作为一向饱受歧视的华人的一员,他像后来的马丁·路德·金一样,到场演讲著书,捍卫自己族群的权益.” MORE
“王清福語錄摘抄,” 達拉斯新聞, October 25, 2013.
“當英國人需要中國人黃金和貿易時,他們就托詞是為了傳教打開中國的國門。在用武力強迫中國開放港口後,鴉片才是他們追求的根本利益...” MORE
“紀念華裔鬥士 - 王清福,” 達拉斯新聞, October 18, 2013.
“王清福先生 1847 年出生在山東即墨一個富有家庭。後家道中落,1861 年有一對美國浸信會傳教士夫婦收養,1867 年洗禮,被送來美國留學。1870 年學成後,曾在美國游了解考察社會政治,風士人情...” MORE
“Author to Talk About Chinese Trailblazer,” Dallas Morning News, October 16, 2013.
“Wong defended his fellow Chinese against prejudice and urged them to become Americanized to secure their rights. He was the first to use the term 'Chinese American.' A trailblazer, he founded America’s first association of Chinese voters and testified before Congress to get laws repealed that denied citizenship for Chinese immigrants. He also founded New York’s first Chinese newspaper.” MORE
“Hong Kong Scholarship Online,” University Press Scholarship Online Website, September, 2013.
The First Chinese American is now an offering on the University Press Scholarship Online website. The site provides a research tool that brings together “the best scholarly publishing from around the world.” It offers monographs in 28 subject areas from Oxford University Press and 13 other leading university presses and makes them easily accessible via a single online platform. MORE
“美國華裔第一人:王清福非凡的一生,” 達拉斯新聞·, September 20, 2013.
“王清福是十九世紀美國華裔鬥士,有骨氣,勇氣,義氣,豪氣,是典型 山東漢子!他見證中西文化,以身作則推動改善華埠形象,發行報紙和發表演講,推介中國文化傳統,爭取華人入籍權,鼓勵華人入籍以爭取權益尊嚴,並入主流社會。他創立第一個華人選民團體和民權團體,並創下新名詞「華裔美國人」沿用至今.” MORE
“芝加哥美洲華博館中秋音樂會,” 世界新聞網, September 20, 2013.
“華埠博物館基金會會長梅素蘭在招呼大家品茗、嘗月餅的同時,亦歡迎大家參與9月22日下 午1時半在芝加哥歷史博物館舉行的作家系列活動,作者Scott D. Seligman將在講座中和大家分享其著作「華裔美人第一人:王清福不凡的人生」(The First Chinese American: The Remarkable Life of Wong Chin Foo),王清福1897年在芝加哥創建華人平權聯盟,這本具有啟發性的傳記,亦是少見以長篇記述重量級美籍華人以及早期種族平權爭取者的書籍.”
“Interview with Scott D. Seligman, author of ?The First Chinese American,?” Shanghaiist, September 16, 2013.
“Being “Chinese American” was something quite new when Wong gave that name to his first newspaper - New York’s first Chinese language paper - in 1883. Most Americans saw Chinese as incapable of assimilating during this period, and the U.S. government had made it clear the previous year that they were not welcome to be citizens . . . But Wong believed deeply that Chinese who were willing to ?Americanize? - by which he meant dress in Western fashion, learn to speak English and give up vices like opium smoking and gambling - should be welcomed as citizens in America, and it was for these people that he fought the hardest.” MORE
“First Chinese American Leaders,” George Koo's Blog, August 11, 2013.
“Thanks to historian and veteran China hand, Scott D. Seligman, we now know something of Chinese American leaders that lived in America as early as the middle of 19th century and the turn of the 19th to the 20th century. . . These stories go to show that contrary to the image of docile, well behaved Chinese in America, we always had activists willing to challenge injustices and intolerable status quo. These individuals deserved to be honored and remembered.” MORE
“Wong Chin Foo: ?The First Chinese American,?” WBAI Radio New York Asia Pacific Forum, July 1, 2013.
“Born in China and a naturalized American citizen, Wong Chin Foo (1847-1898) used journalism and political organizing to fight for the rights of Chinese in the U.S. at a time when the population was vilified, scapegoated, and the target of violence. In a new biography, writer Scott Seligman argues that Wong's work and legacy should earn him the distinction of being labelled the first Chinese American. We bring you excerpts from a talk Seligman gave last month at the Museum of Chinese in America, at an event moderated by APF's own Andrew Hsiao. We'll hear Seligman discuss how he first heard about Wong, and then we'll jump ahead to the 1880s, when Wong was back in San Francisco. The end of the talk is a Q&A between Seligman and Hsiao.” AUDIO
“Remembering ?First Confucian Missionary to the United States,?” China Daily, June 28, 2013.
“America's civil rights campaigns have all had their leaders - Susan B. Anthony, Cesar Chavez, Martin Luther King and Gloria Steinem - to name but a few. But what kind of comparable leaders does the Chinese American community have? American writer, historian and genealogist Scott D. Seligman has given us an answer to that question in his new book: The First Chinese American: The Remarkable Life of Wong Chin Foo.” MORE ● PHOTO
“王清福捍衛華人權益美國史學家出書表彰,” 世界新聞網, June 21, 2013.
“華人民權運動傳奇人物王清福有「美籍華人之父」稱號。美國歷史學家 塞里曼(Scott D. Seligman)推出最新著作「美國華裔第一人:王清福非凡的一生」(The First Chinese American: The Remarkable Life of Wong Chin Foo),美國華人歷史學會20日舉行新書發表會,作者親自講解早年華人受盡屈辱,王清福帶領華裔移民爭取平等的故事.” MORE
“新城第一綫,” 灣區新城電台 (Bay Area Metro AM 1450), June 20, 2013.
Interview by Ida Choy Yee-yee (綺儀). LISTEN
“紀念華裔鬥士王清福,” Sina 全球新闻, June 18, 2013.
“王清福是十九世紀美國華裔鬥士,他以天下為已任,有骨氣,勇氣,義氣,豪氣,是典型山東漢子!他見證中西文化,迫害和反抗,偏見和真相,分化和融合,基督教和儒道,過客和歸化,昂首和卑猥。他以身作則推動改善華埠形象,發行報紙和發表演講,推介中國文化傳統,爭取華人入籍權,鼓勵華人入籍爭權益尊嚴,並入主流社會,打成一片。他創立第一個華人選民團體和民權團體,並創下新名詞「華裔美國人」沿用至今.” MORE
“A Forgotten Hero,” Sinovision Journal, June 18, 2013.
 “At the Museum of Chinese in the Americas, author Scott D. Seligman talks about his book, The First Chinese American: The Remarkable Life of Wong Chin Foo, chronicling the life of an oft-forgotten 19th-century activist who fought for equality and rights in an age and time long past.” VIDEO
“苏思纲与读者交流,” 僑報, June 14, 2013.
“ 苏思纲在近400页的新书中,从王清福在中国的少年时代写起,他如何被 山东登州(即墨)的父母交给一对美国传教士夫妇,如何来到美国接受短暂的大学教育,之后回到中国,三年之后又因宣传革命、遭清政府驱逐而回到美国,并开始在美国各地演讲,撰写文章,要求美国社会给予华人平等地位。他一度因为主动曝光华埠的阴暗面、拯救沦为娼妓的女童而遭到华人帮派的威胁乃至追杀.” MORE
“Washington: Pioneer's Legacy,” China Daily, June 7, 2013.
“Scott Seligman talks about his book The First Chinese American: The Remarkable Life of Wong Chin Foo at a public library on Wednesday. Wong, a writer and activist who died in 1898, introduced the term 'Chinese-American' to help defend his fellow immigrants against discrimination. He founded the first U.S. association of Chinese voters and traveled across the country giving speeches about Chinese culture.” PHOTO
“New Releases By Alumni,” Princeton Alumni Weekly, June 5, 2013.
“In the biography The First Chinese American: The Remarkable Life of Wong Chin Foo (Hong Kong University Press), Scott D. Seligman ’73 aims to rescue this Chinese American from “relative obscurity,” he writes. Wong Chin Foo (1847–1898) — a journalist, lecturer, and political activist — advocated for the civil and political rights of Chinese people in America, and established the United States’ first association of Chinese voters.”
“?The First Chinese American? is Chronicled in a First Biography,” Asian American Press Website, May 25, 2013.
“No photographs of Wong Chin Foo were known to exist before Seligman undertook the project of documenting Wong’s life story. But in the course of his research, he had occasion to contact Bucknell University, whose predecessor institution – Lewisburg Academy – Wong attended as a young man. It was on a second pass through the files that Bucknell’s archivist unearthed a portrait of Wong taken in 1870 when he was about 23 years old. That photo, in turn, has served to authenticate at least four other portraits of him currently residing in private collections.” MORE
“首位華裔美國人:王清福的精彩人生,” 華星報, May 17, 2013.
“ 王清福為使自己的同胞免受惡意迫害, 呼籲大家融入美國社會。贏得自己的權利。作為開路先鋒,他稱自己為·中國第一位在美國傳播孔子思想的傳教人,成立了美國第一個華人選民聯合會,並在美國國會作證,推翻禁止華人入籍的法律。他·敦促美國人在捍衛惠及自身的原則同時,也要對華人一視同仁.” MORE
“?美华裔第一人?”首露脸,” 法制晚報, May 11, 2013.
“ 很多人都熟知为黑人权利奋斗的马丁·路德·金,但王清福这个名字,你也许就很陌生。而他堪称在美华人的民权运动英雄,有着这样的名字——“美国华裔第一人”、华人的马丁·路德·金。
“他为华人争取平等权利的诉求甚至比马丁·路德·金还早70余年。”美国《侨报》称,“一直以来王清福被认为没有留下任何照片。”直到近几个月前,一位美国移民史研究专家,意外发现了唯一一张他的照片.” MORE
“?美国华裔第一人? 罕见照片曝光, 王青,” 僑報网, May 8, 2013.
“【侨报网编译王青5月7日报道】王清福(Wong Chin Foo,音译)对中国人来说很陌生,但在美国,他是第一个使用“华裔”(Chinese American)这个词的人。据 Bucknell.edu 报道,王清福的照片由美国华人移民史专家斯哥特·塞利格曼(Scott Seligman)发现,一直以来王清福被认为没有留下任何照片。塞里格曼说:“当我看见这张照片的时候,我简直欣喜若狂。我一直相信会有这样一张照片.” MORE
“苏思纲新书:华裔民权运动先驱王清福,” 赵铮艺, 美国中文网, May 5, 2013.
“对于许多人来说,王清福是一个陌生的名字。但在苏思纲的眼里,王清福可以被看作是“美国华裔第一人”,但却是华人在美国民权运动史上为人忽略的一篇。19世纪末,少年王清福从中国来到美国求学,当时美国社会对华人的歧视日益严重,1882年更是通过了“排华法案”。王清 福用自己的笔为华人疾呼,并于第二年在纽约创办了第一份华文报纸《美华新报》,报纸的英文名称为 “Chinese American”,这使王清福成为第一个创造和使用“华裔”这个名词的人。此外,他还担任“美国华人平等权利联盟”秘书长,动员华人团结起来抵制“排华法案”,并于1884年发起了第一个华人选民参政团体.” VIDEO
“Bucknell Archives Reveal Rare Photo of First Chinese American,” Heather Johns, Bucknell University Website, May 2, 2013.
“A black braid hangs thick over his shoulder, trailing down his traditional Chinese garb and past his slippered feet to the floor. The brim of his hat reaches toward the ceiling. His gaze trails just to the right of the camera. No photographs of Wong Chin Foo — the man who, records indicate, was Bucknell University's first Chinese and second international student — were thought to exist until this one was located last year in the University Archives by Curator of Special Collections/University Archives Isabella O'Neill.” MORE
“The Forgotten Story of the "First Chinese American,” Bucknell Magazine, Spring, 2013.
“Although it took until 1943, nearly a half-century after his death, for America to repeal the prohibition against naturalization of Chinese, no one deserves more credit than Wong for waging the good fight against it. He set a pattern for what he thought being "Chinese American" should mean that is more or less what it has come to mean for millions. He deserves to be remembered not merely for envisioning and articulating the goal, but also for the creative means he employed, and the boundless energy he expended, in trying to achieve it.” MORE
“Wong Chin Foo at Lewisburg,” Bucknell Magazine, Spring, 2013.
“As a teenager, Wong Sa Kee — as Wong Chin Foo was known in his youth — was educated by a Baptist missionary in China, and through her philanthropy came to America at about age 20 to complete his studies. After several months at Washington, D.C.'s Columbian College — now George Washington University — and several more as an itinerant lecturer on things Chinese, he arrived in Lewisburg late in 1869.” MORE
“一位潜心研究华人移民史的美国人,” 美华商報, November 16, 2012.
“ 王清福是民权运动先驱,被誉为19世纪的华人马丁•路德•金。值得一提的是王清福是第一使用“华裔”(Chinese American)这个词的人,而许多人至 今还使用“华侨”(Overseas Chinese)。在1882、1892美国两度通过排华法案期间,王清福发起组织华人团体呼吁取消排华法案,并在美创办了第一份华文报纸——《美华时报》,号召在美华人自强自省,为争取自身的合法权益而努力和奋斗。《美华时报》只办了不到一年,便因财力不足而倒闭了,但王清福继续为美国报刊撰稿,客观地向读者介绍在美华人的境况,以改善华人在一般民众心目中的形象.” MORE
“Biography of Wong Chin Foo,” HistoryGrandRapids.org Website, 2012.
“Recall that Wong Chin Foo obtained his citizenship papers here in 1874. Seligman discovered that Wong also registered to vote in Grand Rapids while lecturing here in the Fall of 1880, just in time for the November Presidential election. The last day to register was Saturday, October 30. The Daily Moring Democrat, 10/31/1880, and the Daily Eagle, 11/1/1880, ran the same story: “Wong Chin Foo, the Chinaman who addressed an audience at the Opera House a week ago registered on Saturday as a voter in the Fifth Ward.” Unfortunately, Kent County registration records for 1880 no longer exist.” MORE
华裔对美国主流文化有重大贡献: 华裔主流文化的一部分
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