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a research?

(2015-10-24 12:37:11) 下一个

an interesting research? ? ? (below for reference)

In my mind, reseach is a noun, abstract, uncountable. How come this authour wrote that? I checked and found out below:

What do you got? Yes or No? 

Mentor pointer - if in doubt, check it out - a way to tackle English Grammar, to me - how do you remember rules?


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  3. Tasty Research | a digest of fun and interesting academic research ...

    Oct 24, 2007 ... Summary and discussion of various interesting research papers in psychology and technology.
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    Dec 16, 2014 ... Scientists and the public differ in the research they find most interesting.
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已有 136 次阅读 2015-10-23 23:32 |系统分类:科研笔记

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