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transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) for ringing in ears

(2015-07-19 10:34:25) 下一个
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Accorfing to Latest Research, Relief Against Tinnitus may now be Possible

Weekly Observer  - ‎34 minutes ago‎
Tinnitus can strike anyplace and at whatever time. You may be dozing soundly and suddenly you hear the beginning of a ringing sound and before you know it you are writhing in your bed in pain.
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Accorfing to Latest Research, Relief Against Tinnitus may now be Possible


Tinnitus can strike anyplace and at whatever time. You may be dozing soundly and suddenly you hear the beginning of a ringing sound and before you know it you are writhing in your bed in pain. It can happen unexpectedly and in minutes and better be prepared when it does. Indeed, even the specialists are not pretty sure why they happen and how.

A relentless ringing in ears, might be caused by several issues, for instance, afflictions or wounds

It is a strange health condition that experts find difficult to treat but may not be anymore.  Just recently researchers have discovered that dispatching plain electromagnetic pulses into the brain might be just be all what is needed. This is a process called transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS).

“I don’t see TMS replacing all that, but I see it as another option for helping some patients,” advises Robert Folmer of the Portland Veterans Affairs Medical Center and Oregon Health and Science University.

Folmer, who is also a Research investigator with the National Center for Rehabilitative Auditory Research at the VA Portland Health Care System, goes on to say, “Tinnitus is more likely to occur in people with hearing loss or people who had a lot of noise exposure. So it’s usually associated with damage to the auditory system.”

Folmer also notes, “It’s the magnetic field that penetrates the scalp and skull and interacts with brain tissue.” He also makes sure to add that this therapy has already been approved for the treatment of depression in the United States. “When we deliver one pulse per second of TMS, that low rate of TMS stimulation can suppress neural activity in that region.”

In addition, Folmer says, “Some people responded quite well. We were surprised they maintained their improvement throughout the six months of follow-up. I thought if people showed an improvement it would be short-lived.”

In the study, approximately 56 percent of the participants who received TMS got better after 10 session while only 22 had improved after the same number of sessions with a control treatment.

In the study made, about 56 percent of the volunteers who received TMS treatment got better after the full 10 sessions while on the other hand only 22 percent got better after undergoing the same number of sessions using control treatment.

By evaluating the study further, one should take note that another research was published a year ago which discovered that women who drinks more coffee are less prone to have tinnitus issues.

Image: http://steamspoils.com/

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