

哈金《等待》 - 读后感

(2012-01-08 14:05:58) 下一个


哈金,是不多的一位在美成名的华人作家。1999年《等待》获得了美国National Book Award for Fiction 的头名奖,之前他还得过海明威文学奖等。此书被翻译成多种文字。我曾经看过台湾版本的《等待》,当时觉得很一般,看了他的英文原著,才觉得是一本好书。他本人八五年离开中国来美求学,对中国的生活和文化理解透彻,在《等待》里表现得很到位。书中主人公孔林是军队医生,长期和农村的结发妻子分居两地,没有感情。林在医院里遇上了年轻有文化的女护士吴曼娜,开始了和吴的自由恋爱。虽然已经和结发的妻子生养一个女儿,但女儿尚且年幼,就开始了离婚的漫漫征途。林的妻子却依旧是忠贞不渝,且在农村家中照看林的父母直到去世,又抚育女儿成人。林18年里,每年回家一次,和妻子到乡政府去打离婚,17次被拒绝,直到第18年才终于如愿以偿。长达18年的离婚和等待,使他从一个青年成为40多岁的中年,而他的恋人也渐渐失去了青春的亮丽和原来的温柔。令人意想不到的是,他的结发妻子反而并没有因此对他怨恨,一直默默隐藏在他的身后,即使在离婚之后,也不忘对他的关怀,把他仍当作自己唯一既有的丈夫。故事的最后是,林和新婚妻子婚后不久,生下来一对双胞胎,双方在都在养家的重任下失去了从前的优点,而曼娜的身体已经查出患有难以治愈的心脏病。对生活的再次失望,使林无法看清自己的等待是否值得?在疲惫中,林在心里开始等待和曼娜生活的结束,等待再次回到从前的妻子和已经成人的女儿身边。等待中开始,等待中结束。多少的辛酸,多少的梦碎,又是多少的无奈。

一个人的生命有多少个18年,又有多少青春岁月可以等待?一个人的坚持可以多久,又可以多少是因为等待而等?在这本书里,我们看到在那个特定的年代里,一个人对爱的追求几乎是不可求的。即使一个受过高等教育并有一定人文思想的林,在现实面前,他依然是喜欢过那种被老婆伺候周到对他言听计从的那种男人。也许太过适应那种顺服,当他和吴结合之后,生活中的摩擦来的出其不意,令他痛苦烦恼,使他不能明白为什么他爱的人反而这么让他难以忍受。那个他等待了18年的岁月等来的人在生活中反而不如他的结发妻子让他生活舒服。这也许是这个故事最大的寓意,我们往往是因为得不到而去追求,而不是因为我们真的想要。爱情有时候是人的一种动力,可以仿佛克服所有的障碍而不顾一切,但到最后,我们却不难发现,爱情也使我们受到蒙蔽,使人走错方向。一个人的一生可以很长,也可以很短,当我们回头时候,有多少人可以说 无悔?18年的等待之后 (无论是等待什么),又有多少人可以无憾? 不光林做不到,我想我们大多数人做不到。有些事情,也许永远不该去打算做,否则做了也只有是无尽的后悔,就像这18年的等待。“拥有也许是正在失去,而失去也许又在重新获得”。对于林来说,他的人生还远远不是悲剧,而只是戏剧而已。这也是为什么这本书引人入胜的原因。 

He left his native China in 1985 to attend Brandeis University. He is the author of two books of poetry; two collections of stories, Ocean of Words, which won the Pen/Hemingway Award in 1997, and Under the Red Flag, which won the Flannery O'Connor Award for short fiction in 1996; and In the Pond, a novel. He lives near Atlanta, where he is a professor of English at Emory University.

In Waiting, Ha Jin draws on his intimate knowledge of contemporary China to create a novel of unexpected richness and feeling. This is the story of Lin Kong, a man living in two worlds, struggling with the conflicting claims of two utterly different women as he moves through the political minefields of a society designed to regulate his every move and stifle the promptings of his innermost heart.

For more than seventeen years, this devoted and ambitious doctor has been in love with an educated, clever, modern woman, Manna Wu. But back in the traditional world of his home village lives the wife his family chose for him when he was young - a humble and touching loyal woman, whom he visits in order to ask, again and again, for a divorce. In a culture in which the ancient ties of tradition and family still holds sway and where adultery discovered by the Party can ruin lives forever, Lin's passionate love is stretched ever more taut by the passing years. Every summer, his compliant wife agrees to a divorce but then backs out. This time, Lin promises, will be different.

Tracing these lives through their summer of decision and beyond, Ha Jin vividly conjures the texture of daily life in a place where the demands of human longing must contend with the weight of centuries of custom. Waiting charms and startles us with its depiction of a China that remains hidden to Western eyes even as it moves us with its piercing vision of the universal complication of love.







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