


Comparing Ukraine and Taiwan is like comparing apples to oranges

(2022-02-24 15:57:36) 下一个

Comparing Ukraine and Taiwan is like comparing apples to oranges!

Polly Zhang

Putin taking back Ukraine is a realistic ambition, as the two countries have inseparable culture and past. Even their languages is mutually intelligible.

However, Putin and the Chinese Communist Party have never been in the same camp. Putin is trying to lead Russia into a new era of democracy with American characteristics.

There are far too many shady deals between Ukraine and Biden. The Biden’s are terrified of these deals coming to light, and NATO will gladly sit on their hands over this.

Taiwan is a dissimilar situation to Russia and Ukraine. Taiwan is the rightful owner of China. The question is not whether China should retake Taiwan, but rather if Taiwan will lead the world to exterminate the CCP.

Taiwan is a democratic power recognized by the world. There’s absolutely no need to use Ukraine as a segue into Taiwan.

China is just West Taiwan. It has long lost the trust of the world, and has few friends to help them survive.

Xi will never rise to Putin’s prowess, and Putin will never see Xi as more than a short man with tall ambitions.

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张帆 回复 悄悄话 乌克兰,是中共最大的军事科技输入国,中共的粮袋子,能源的输送地。它打着民主的旗号,却和中共一样的贪腐、独裁、专制。现在又关闭海关不准乌克兰人民出入。强迫18-60岁的男子持枪上阵,毫无民主人权而言。但人们却把乌克兰的总统-泽连斯基、一个用一部电影就盗窃了总统大位、逼迫人民为他当炮灰、和中共一样搞大外宣的喜剧演员当成了民族英雄,反共不反乌,多么嘲讽!泽连斯基做过什么,他自己知道。他不肯离开乌克兰是因为他不敢。拿人民这块挡箭牌先用着吧。如此熟悉的情节,华人竟然买账?!