

I will give you some color to see see!!

(2012-11-24 16:41:25) 下一个
      I felt running out of confidence since I haven't received any compliment for ages,I decided it would be a good idea to say something nice to myself,The thing is,I worked my brain pretty hard trying to come up with some praise about me,but nothing could come across my mind.What the heck is happening?

      It might help if I see myself in the mirror,That was why I ended up in front of the mirror with a lot of goose bumps.I was like"what a cool dude!"

      "NO!!!,YOU ARE NOT!!!",Some one yelled at his top of voice outside the bathroom.

    "Who is it?"I asked ,but no answer.So I yelled back sticking my head out:" I AM a cool dude."

      "stop saying that!"The voice seemed from the sky,"I swear to GOD,which is me,by the way, If you say one more word like this,I will give you some color to see see!!!"
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