
~~~简单生活 真诚人生

香煎Pink Ling鱼片~ Pan-fried Pink Ling Fillet

(2016-01-06 21:58:47) 下一个
我们这里的海鱼里面,除了Salmon,就是Pink Ling 鱼片最受我家人欢迎了。煎鱼片做起来很容易,也没有刺,是快手菜中的保留菜啦。

这里记录一下平时常做的两种香煎Pink Ling 鱼片,一种是香煎加浇汁,另一种是直接煎,各有风味,都很容易做。

There are two versions of Pan-fried Pink Ling fillet in our family.

1. 香煎加浇汁:Version 1

材料 Ingredients:

Pink Ling鱼片200克 (200g Pink Ling Fish fillet)
姜三片(3 slices of ginger)
葱一颗切葱花 (1 spring onion , finely chopped)
盐 ¼ 茶勺 (1/4 tea spoon salt)
料酒 1 茶勺 ( 1 tea spoon cooking wine)
淀粉若干 (corn flour)
橄榄油2汤勺 (2 table spoon olive oil)
生抽 2汤勺 (2 table spoon soy sauce)
醋1 汤勺 (1 table spoon vinegar)
糖1/2 茶勺 (1/2 tea spoon sugar)
香油1茶勺 (1 tea spoon sesame oil)
白胡椒粉 少许 (a small shake of white pepper)


第一步:将鱼片洗净,用厨用纸吸干水分,切成2.5cm的鱼块,放入料酒, 盐和 1.5汤勺淀粉搓匀。

Step 1: Wash the fish fillet, dry it using a kitchen towel, cut the fish fillet into 2.5cm pieces, add cooking wine,1/4 tea spoon salt, 1.5 table spoon corn flour,and massage the fish pieces well。


Step2 : Get a bowl, add soy sauce, vinegar, sugar, sesame oil, a small shake of white pepper, 1 tea spoon corn flour, spring onion, and half cup of water, mix well.


Step 3: Get a non-stick frying pan, adjust the heat to medium, add olive oil to the frying pan, add ginger slices, and spread the fish pieces evenly on top of ginger slices.

Cover the frying pan with a lid, cook for 5 minutes, turn the fish to the other side, cover with the lid and cook for another 5 minutes. Then, take the fish pieces out and place them into a dish. To make sure the fish is well cooked, the inside of the fish should be solid. If not, cook for another 3 minutes and check the fish again.


Step 4: add the sauce made in Step 2 to the frying pan, cook it till the sauce becoming thicken with only a half of its original amount left, switch off the heat.

Add the sauce to the top of fish pieces. It is ready to serve now.

2. 直接香煎:Version 2:

材料 Ingredients:

Pink Ling鱼片200克 (200g Pink Ling fish fillet)
姜三片 (3 slices of ginger)
葱一颗切葱花 ( 1 spring onion, chopped)
盐1/4 茶勺 (1/4 tea spoon salt)
料酒 1 茶勺 (1 tea spoon cooking wine)
橄榄油2汤勺 ( 2 table spoon olive oil)
生抽1.5汤勺 (1.5 table spoon soy sauce)
醋1 汤勺 ( 1 table spoon vinegar)
香油1茶勺 ( 1 tea spoon sesame oil)
白胡椒粉 少许 ( a small shake of white pepper)



Step 1: Wash the fish fillet, dry it using a kitchen towel, add salt and cooking wine, massage the fish fillet well.


Step 2: Get a bowl, add soy sauce, vinegar, sesame oil, a small shake of white pepper, and 3 table spoon of water, mix well.


Step 3: Get a non-stick frying pan, adjust the heat to medium, add olive oil to the frying pan, add ginger slices, and place the fish fillet on top of ginger slices.

Cover the frying pan with a lid, cook for 6 minutes, turn the fish to the other side, add spring onion, cover with the lid and cook for another 6 minutes. To make sure the fish is well cooked, the inside of the fish fillet should be solid. If not, cook for another 3 minutes and check the fish again.

Add the sauce made in step 2 to the frying pan, simmer for 3 minutes or till the sauce dry up. It is now ready to serve.
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阅读 ()评论 (17)
tea_fan 回复 悄悄话 看着诱人,好像也不难做的样子。
婉妮 回复 悄悄话 又是佳作。雪七能干有才。超赞。
罗雪七 回复 悄悄话 回复 'Alabama' 的评论 : 谢谢A师啦! 您自己就有一手很高的厨艺,让人羡慕呢!最近又有新的摄影作品了么:-)
罗雪七 回复 悄悄话 回复 '小声音' 的评论 : 谢谢小声音!这些天欣赏了你的《遥远的小渔村》, 沁人肺腑的悠扬乐曲人我感动!还看到了你在漓江拍的片片,棒极了!非常美! 我也喜欢《刘三姐》,读了你的温馨博文很享受! 非常感谢分享!
罗雪七 回复 悄悄话 回复 '海尾归' 的评论 : 谢谢海尾归! 你做美食那才叫漂亮美味呢!馋得流口水。
罗雪七 回复 悄悄话 回复 '菲儿天地' 的评论 : 菲儿你太让我佩服了! 总能在很短的时间里做出很有品位的,色香味俱全的美食。 也很喜欢你的摄影和精彩文笔! 谢谢你的鼓励,我再接再厉:-)。
罗雪七 回复 悄悄话 回复 'momo_sharon' 的评论 : 谢谢墨墨的夸奖! 真得好好向你这位厨艺高手学习呢! 你做的美食常常让我流半天口水,会常去你那里取经滴:-)。
罗雪七 回复 悄悄话 回复 '思念青荷' 的评论 : 谢谢青荷妹妹喜欢! 很钦佩你的才华和文笔!
罗雪七 回复 悄悄话 回复 'mzl9876' 的评论 : 谢谢梅子的温馨鼓励!我也很喜欢你做的美食!
Alabama 回复 悄悄话 我没口福!看着眼馋!
小声音 回复 悄悄话 好精美精致的香煎Pink Ling鱼片,pp拍的很专业,欣赏!
海尾归 回复 悄悄话 很细致,靓!
菲儿天地 回复 悄悄话 雪气手艺太好了,照得也棒,一定要山寨!就是不知道买不买得到这种鱼。
momo_sharon 回复 悄悄话 一看就好吃!雪七好手艺!
思念青荷 回复 悄悄话 看着就香艳···啊
思念青荷 回复 悄悄话 看着就香艳···啊
mzl9876 回复 悄悄话 这个香啊沁入心田的感觉。。。