
~~~简单生活 真诚人生

甜酸鱼片~Sweet and sour Pink Ling fish fillet

(2014-03-28 17:24:05) 下一个

我家的美食家们都很爱吃鱼。LD和俺都是从小吃带刺的鱼长大的,儿子却是很怕带刺的鱼,爱吃鱼片做的美食。这样我们就中和一下,多用各种鱼片做出菜来。这回是用Pink Ling 鱼片做了这道甜酸鱼片,很下饭,人人都吃得很香。

材料:(Ingredients): 鱼片一大块约400克(400g Pink Ling fish fillet)
胡萝卜半根(1/2 carrot )
西兰花梗一个(small amount of Broccoli. I actually used broccoli root here.)
葱一颗切段(1 spring onion chop into pieces)
姜三大片切沫(3 slices of ginger, chop into pieces)。
橄榄油1.5大匙(1.5 table spoon Olive oli)
Special sauce :适量生抽,糖,醋,料酒,柠檬汁,淀粉,盐, 3 汤勺水,调匀成浇汁(In a small bowl, add soya sauce, sugar, vinegar, cooking wine, lemon juice, 1 tea spoon corn flour, salt, and 3 table spoon water, mix well.)。


Step 1 将鱼片洗净,斜切成小片,用一点盐和料酒,淀粉抓匀;(Wash the fish fillet thoghrouly, dry with kitchen towel, cut fish fillet into 1/2 cm thin pieces, add a little bit of salt, cooking wine and 2 tea spoon corn flour, mix well.)

Step 2 将胡萝卜和西兰花梗去皮,切成圆片,用开水焯熟.(chop carrot and broccoli into small pieces, and boil them in boiling water around 3 minutes, then take them out)

Step 3 炒锅放橄榄油(Use a non-stick pan, add olive oil),下姜沫和葱段炒香(add Ginger and Spring onion, stir slightly),将鱼片下入滑散, 每面煎三分钟,(add fish fillet pieces and spread them evenly, bake each side of fish pieces for 3 minutes),放入焯好的胡萝卜西兰花(add carrot and Broccoli),翻炒一下(stir evenly),倒入浇汁(add Special sauce),翻炒均匀即可(stir carefully till the sauce covering all ingredients evenly. To make sure the fish is cooked well, cut a piece of fish to see if the inside is turning into non-transparent white, if it is, now it is ready to serve.)。

您若喜欢,不妨试一试,会多吃一碗饭滴。(If you like, you are welcome to give a try :-)

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