2010 (5)
2011 (2)
2013 (42)
2015 (93)
2016 (126)
2017 (121)
2018 (90)
2019 (105)
2020 (233)
2021 (239)
2022 (249)
2023 (295)
2024 (367)
We were discussing with our kids at dinner table tonight about the striking similarity of the conducts of the so called "progressives" in this country with the Communists in China during the so called "culture revolution":
1。destroy traditional arts and memorials.
2。modify history taught to children.
3。entice young people to follow them blindly and forsake their own welfare.
4。alienate young people from their parents and families
5。demonize people who works harder and more successful.
6。suppress any opinion not in complete agreement with them.
Last but not the least, total control of the society.
Get familiarized with history. We see it repeat itself again and again.