borisg (热门博主)
  • 博客访问:


(2017-01-20 07:44:53) 下一个

Dear Senator XXXX:

We appreciate your service to the people in the state of XXXX in past years. On this first day of the new Presidency I would like to share and discuss some idea you may agree with.

I think the current system under which a retired President of US receives full pension is an out of dated idea. This was started when President Truman retired and prepared to leave the White House in his old car back to Missouri without much financial resource. The Congress made a law to provide for retiring presidents to have a decent income. Things have changed a lot since then. These days, any retiring president already had multi million dollar book contracts months before leaving office, not to say consulting fees and public speeches to come after that. Being a President is an assured lucrative career for the rest of his life.

Since they don't need the money, so why should we give them a pension for serving a couple of years when most common people no longer have one for working 30 or 40 years? 

Let's eliminate this perk, not so much for saving some federal money, but more for the future presidents to have more common sense with the common people.

By the way, I am for the other benefits such as security protection and medical care, for the president in his official duty is the C in C of the US military forces.



A member of your district.

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