
Noetic Sciences Definition & Experiments

(2012-02-22 12:44:38) 下一个

Noetic Sciences Definition & Experiments-Science of Subconscious Mind Power & Thoughts

What is noetic science?the term noetic science originates from ancient Greek word ‘nous’? Though, there is no exact meaning of noetic in English, primarily it refers to the power of inner knowing-it’s a branch of metaphysics.

So far, we have heard of many stories and incidents about the power of thoughts. We don’t have any hard evidence to prove that thoughts have potential power to affect the physical reality. Fortunately, noetic science has emerged with a ray of hope and substantial proof of how our mind interacts with physical world and can change the occurrence of any incident.

 Basics of noetic science

Noetic science talks about the power of human thoughts affecting the real world. Our normal belief about thought is that it is simply a logical process. According to noetic theory, thoughts have weights, and since every weighted material on earth are affected by gravitational force, thoughts are also attracted by gravitation at a lesser degree than other materials.

Origin of noetic science

The idea of noetic science was envisaged by an US astronaut, Edger Mitchell. The idea of universal connection between humans and matters engulfed him when he saw earth floating on space, while returning earth from a space voyage in 1971. In 1973, he founded Noetic Science Institute. His belief and idea that reality is far more complex than what we actually experience has lead him giving birth of startling concept of noetic science.

According to Mitchell, the current idea of our universe developed by science and religious institutes are incomplete and flawed. And that is why he felt the necessity of a brand new view and concept of the living world through noetic theory.

 How important noetic science is?

The key research focus of noetic institute is to identify and model how a shift or change in human perception can bring change in the reality we are living now. Transformation in consciousness helps people to understand and find positive meaning of life and how to become more compassionate to society.

There is no place of skepticism in noetic science about the power of consciousness to change our reality-the power of consciousness mind has been cemented by numerous noetic research publications. And the question of how actually consciousness transformation happens and what are the barriers for shift in consciousness is the primary focus of noetic investigations. Noetic researchers believe that the more research on this subject will help us developing a perfect model of consciousness transforming concepts, which will contribute establishing harmony and peace that we need the most in today’s world.

Researches on noetic science

The undergoing research in noetic science explains the relationship between matter and human consciousness. Most of the researches on this subject are based on empirical relationships between human and the universe.

The main three areas noetic science focuses on are:

  • Enhancing conventional human belief and capacity
  • Mind and health healing
  • Transformation of worldviews-it deals with how ancient and contemporary knowledgebase will help us finding a model of living in this 21st century.

 Current research on noetic science
  • Placebo effects and distinct healing-this research group studies how distant and no-distant healing procedures help accelerate healing women with breast cancer
  • Effects of companionship & loving intention- this group of researchers focuses on how partners of women with cancer can be more compassionate on their spouses.
  • Experiment on gut intuition- this research investigates the function of “gut feelings” in realizing a person’s emotional state and intention.
  • Lucid dreaming- this project investigating the potential of a lucid dreamer performing experiments at the time of lucid dreaming.
  • Exploring the altered state of consciousness –this project highlight on how a hypnotic state can work as a platform for positive outcomes.
  • Creating cultural peace- this group studies qualitative survey result on how applied intention can promote peace. Currently, noetic researchers are working on with United Nations peace projects.
  • Mind matter interaction-how mind and matter interact with each other to create reality.

Accomplishment of noetic science
Noetic science has already published many successful research papers with significant findings. The research outcome indicates the followings:

  • The possibility of survival of human consciousness after physical death.
  • Developed a model to determine human psi abilities.
  • Evidence of how our assumption on reality shapes our society.
  • Spontaneous heart healing process
  • Relationship between spirituality and healing

Noetic Sciences in 1998: Healing Studies

Oneism - Oneness fundamentals of Oneism and Noetic Science at Oneism.org

Noetic retreat center

Noetic retreat center is located on North of San Francisco. These 200 acres of center offers meditation hut, organic meals, sweat lodge and many natural trails. All the noetic research and training program are integrated with this retreat center, where you can find both learning and experimental experiences that help transform consciousness.

How to become part of Noetic science?

You can be part of noetic research team by joining one of their ongoing projects. For that you may visit: www.ions.org. You also can join their institute by paying only $10 per month. There are other ways of becoming part of noetic science community such as by sponsoring a program, becoming a member of noetic circle program. As a donor and supporter of noetic science you will receive benefits like all the latest research news of consciousness studies, listed in noetic publications, connection with noetic scientists and thinkers.

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