

(2012-09-10 16:39:15) 下一个
Monday:今天爸爸送他去,走的时候听见娃哭了,但是似乎很快就停了。下午有点事耽误了,我5点了才到DC,连爸爸都打电话以为我们已经回家了。去的时候有2个老师,只剩3个娃。我在门外就看见一个金发的女娃和Lindsay在玩一个zoo的玩具,玩具上有一些pads, 把动物放上面会发出动物的叫声。女娃和老师互动地很好,可以和老师应答(我听见她说elephant等),把动物往pad上放。我们家有个类似的玩具,所以娃应该会玩这个东西,但是崴只是在旁边站着看着他们玩,稍稍有点走动,虽然他每只手上都捏着一个小动物/玩具。不知道他是害羞、语言不够好、还是没有得到足够的鼓励。很快他就看见我站在门口,很急切地指着门想走。第一次和老师Lindsay说话,她说娃had a great day. 我问娃哭了没,老师说在爸爸drop off的时候哭了一会儿。

今天的小插曲是,早上车都开走了,爸爸特地返回拿了厚夹克和裤子,说只有11度。我10点到公司,觉得气温很温和,担心娃穿的太多,特别是回到室内,就给supervisor打电话。Supervisor说这个老师会掌握,但是还是替我看了一眼,回来说现在屋子里气温也不高。我就问娃是不是还穿这那条很厚的有fleece的灰裤子,supervisor说是的,如果热了老师会给他换的。我难受了一阵,说服了自己不纠结这种细节。我接娃的时候,他穿着比较薄的裤子,但是长袖衫上还罩了一件棉线的前开口的sweater, 而那个金发的女孩穿的是短袖T恤。。。 br>

他最近老是把一只手放嘴里,另一只手还拿着玩具,不知道是不是长牙,如果这样,也许能解释他为何最近这么fussy。还有就是连着几天发现屁屁上有一层薄薄的poo, 有时候是刚拉过的,不知道是不是爸爸说的跑步引起的。最近一周一个明显的变化是在家里喜欢玩lego小火车, Thomas火车/轨道等。但是娃很容易frustrated, 比如他发现Thomas火车车厢有磁铁,但是磁铁有南北极的,所以有时候吸不到一起,他就开始烦。或者有时候lego/mega-block放不好他也急,可以想象在DC老师不可能象我们这样关注他,他肯定会frustrated.

比较困扰我的是,娃的behavior变差了。上周四(去DC第3天)睡前娃大哭一场以后,每天晚上让他睡觉都变得非常困难,不让我们关灯。不是怕黑,是不想睡觉。昨天竟然在关了大灯后(有微弱的night light)还把lego火车等拿到床上玩。还有其他时候也特别任性,家里人包括我妈都觉得他上DC后脾气明显变坏了。原来让他干什么不愿意的事(比如换衣服尿片),或者让他停止他喜欢做的事,他只是哼唧几下就停了,现在能哭闹很久。因为timing太巧合, 不知道是不是在DC从其他小朋友那里学的。
Daddy dropped Alex off. He was not thrilled either in parking lot or inside. I arrived DC at 4:30pm, not many kids were there. I didn't enter the door but Alex saw me soon. He was eating a cracker. Both Heather and Lindsay came over to the door and told me Alex had the best day ever. He was laughing, babbling/talking. After nap, he pointed to the ceiling babbling, probably wanting to play with the string. Heather said I should be very proud of him. While we were talking, Alex walked to me and waved bye to teachers with smiles on his face.

He seemed happier at home as well. He had a great dinner, asking for more pork bone soup. We went to the school playground after dinner. On the way back he saw Jiajia taking a walk with her friend (Michal's grandma), he was not happy to see her walking away from us. Bedtime was better as well. He still didn't want the light on in his room but didn't fuss for long. I brought him to the king bed and gave him my bra. He likes to play with the strings on it, which acts like a soother for him. In the middle of the night(4-5am), I saw his arm in the loop of the string and tried to put the bra away. But he protested by moaning. I was surprised he was actually half-awake at that hour.

We arrived DC at 9:30 today. He behaved very much the same like yesterday. Most of the panda class were outside. Lisa took him out while he was crying.

I stayed for the longest time today (about 10-15min) to observe him. He stopped crying pretty soon and was playing with some toys with mirrors (i couldn't see very well) when Lisa went back to put on his hat/outdoor shoes. One teach from Teddy class was sitting in the sandbox edge surrounded by kids. Alex lingered around, walked close from the teacher's behind to see or listen but didn't climb in the sandbox. He stood there for several minutes (appeared doing nothing much other than looking at somewhere). He tried to ride several vehicles (including a lawn mow which is not supposed to be a ride toy) but didn't succeed. He walked close to watch/listen when another Teddy teacher used a bucket to gather water from the tap but still didn't stand very close. After a while, he started to play with a school bus and some other vehicles. He transported them to the other end of the playground where there was a hay stack. He "drove" them on the pile of hay. During the whole time, no teacher came to talk to him or help.

In the evening, I suggested we let Alex practise riding toy vehicles at home to build his confidence. He played with the dump truck and fire truck in the basement for a long time. We also called parents for advice. Mom said we should talk to teachers more to show our interest in our kid's happiness and development.

Alex behaved pretty much the same like previous days at drop-off, tears dropping on my hand. I carried him outside. One of the Teddy class teacher took him over. Heather talked to me and said he was doing great yesterday and said:"Look, he stopped crying already". I went to the Teddy room and saw him holding his dog while observing. He saw a teacher reading a book to other kids but didn't walk closer. Then I saw Heather went over and handed him some small toys and showed him a farm house or sth. I left with some relief.

Daddy picked him up. He was walking around, near other kids. He started from the library area and walked with the rockabye baby book to the middle of the room when he saw daddy. he then smiled and went over to meet dad. He was eager to go but didn't insist on his dog. The teacher said he isn't talking too much to them yet but is playing a lot now. The log says he was riding bikes yesterday and playing with houses today.

It was raining early in the morning. Alex has been going to DC for 4 days and I think he could use a break. I asked Mom to bring him to YMCA Early Years Center. He was not very happy on the way and yelled a little when I left. But when I picked him up he was happily playing and didn't want to leave. We went to Early Years on Sat. morning, Alex was singing with the teacher and very excited about the sponges in the soapy water and crawl tube. I wish he was this happy at DC.
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