

3- Day workshop of Millionaire Mind Intensive 1

(2010-04-11 06:32:03) 下一个

3- Day workshop of Millionaire Mind Intensive 1


Your Comfort Zone is in direct proportion to your Income Zone.

The 3 most dangerous words in English language are: I know that.

You are not here to learn as much as to un-learn.

The first step to change is awareness.

Belief Questionnaire

Rate yourself from 1-10 with regard to each of the following statements.

1=100% Disagreement up to 10 = 100% Agreement

1.     Money is the root of all evil.

2.     It’s more enlightened to be poor than rich.

3.     Most rich people probably did something bad or dishonest to get their money.

4.     Having a lot of money will make me less spiritual or pure.

5.     Getting rich takes too much work and struggle.

6.     Having a lot of money is a big responsibility.

7.     I don’t feel “good enough” to be rich.

8.     Realistically, chances are I’ll never be rich.

9.     Getting rich is a matter of luck or fate.

10.                         Getting rich isn’t for people like me.

11.                        Striving for wealth won’t allow much time for anything else in life.

12.                        To be rich, you have to use people and take advantage of them.

13.                         If I get rich, everyone will want something from me.

14.                         If I get rich, there are certain people in my life who won’t like it, or me.

15.                        If I have a lot of money, it means someone else is going to have less.

16.                         Having excess money means you’re greedy.

17.                         I’m not very good in the area of money and finances.

18.                         If I get a lot of money, I might lose it.

19.                         If I really strive for wealth and don’t succeed, I’ll feel like a failure.

20.                         I have the potential for wealth; all I need is a break.

21.                         This just isn’t the right time for me to start “going for it” financially.

22.                         I don’t really want to be wealthy.

23.                         Money isn’t really that important.

24.                        You can’t strive for wealth and be happy and fulfilled at the same time.

25.                         Money can cause a lot of problems.

26.                         It’s not right to make a lot more money than my parents.

27.                         You can’t get rich doing exactly what you love.

28.                         Trying to earn money is a hassle and a struggle.

29.                         It takes money to make money.

30.                         People should only have as much money as they need to live comfortably.

31.                         Striving for wealth can cause stress and health problems.

32.                         It’s difficult to get rich these days.

33.                         Most of the good opportunities are gone.

34.                         Given my past, it would be difficult for me to get rich.

35.                         I’m not smart or intelligent enough to get rich.

36.                         I’m not educated enough to get rich.

37.                         I’m too young to get rich.

38.                         I’m too old to get rich.

39.                         As a woman, it’s much more difficult to get rich.

40.                         I don’t like selling or promoting.

41.                         I wish I didn’t have to deal with money.

42.                         I don’t enjoy managing money.

43.                         I don’t need to manage my money because I hardly have any.

44.                         Money corrupts artistic and creative endeavors.

45.                         It’s not right for me to be rich while others have nothing.

46.                         Financial security comes from having a good job and a steady paycheck.

47.                         If you are not born rich, chances are you will never be rich.

48.                         Rich people aren’t happy.

49.                         If success comes easy, it’s not as worthwhile.

50.                         I’m too busy to put a lot of time and energy into learning.

51.                         If I become rich, that’s great, if not, that’s fine too.

52.                         I don’t enjoy taking on responsibility.

53.                         I’m not a strong leader.

54.                         I have some resentment towards extremely wealthy people.

55.                         I’m a good giver, but not a good receiver.

56.                         Other people’s opinions of me are important.

57.                         It’s better to get paid for my “time” than strictly for my performance.

58.                         If you’re rich in love, health and happiness, you don’t need money.

59.                         I can make it on my own. I don’t need help from others.

60.                         I’m already quite comfortable. I don’t need to push myself.

61.                         I can make it on my own. I don’t need help from others.

62.                         If I ask for help, people will think I’m weak.

63.                         The only reason to work is to make money.

64.                         There’s no use earning a lot more money because I’ll just have to pay more taxes.

65.                         Once I have a lot of money, I’ll finally feel secure.

66.                         By being rich, I’ll prove myself.

67.                         Getting rich is not really a skill you can learn.

68.                         I’m just not “meant” to be rich.

69.                         God will make me rich, poor or middle-class.

70.                         The investment world is complicated and hard to understand.

71.                         Investments are for people who have a lot of money.

72.                         Most investments, other than with the bank, are too risky.

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