

P & L 分析 4 Labor Cost

(2010-02-21 01:20:06) 下一个

                                       Labor Cost: Salaries, Wages & Benefits.

Floor Management

1.  Forecasting Sales: the most critical step in developing schedules and making labor/productivity targets

a.   Review former year’s SSS (Same day Same store Sales).

b.  Make adjustment based upon:

o  Marketing Promotion

. National Campaign

. Regional Campaign

. Local Store Marketing Promotions

o  Pay Dates of Local Businesses

o  Local Business Activities

. Mall Promotions

. Tenant Promotions

o  Street Locations

. Traffic patterns

. Competition

. Holidays

. School Schedules

c.   Forecast Sales:

o  Daily Sales Forecasts

. Use knowledge of trends and daily percentages

. Adjust days based on local knowledge 

2.  Labor Scheduling

a.   2 Rules to Scheduling

o  Meet all minimum service deployment levels

o  Meet Total Allowed Hours for the day

b.  4 Steps to Scheduling

o  Schedule Minimum Service Deployment using the deployment charts

o  Schedule Opening and Closing

o  Determine how many hours you have available to schedule

o  Determine if you will use the hours and where to schedule

c.   Scheduling Principles

o  Peak Coverage

. Schedule for Service---Transactions

o  Fill Activities Off-Peak

. Regular Prep Routines

. Regular Cleaning routines

o  Schedule Into and Out of Peaks

. Ensure smooth transitions

. Allow for pre-meals, assignments, and follow up

o  Shorten Shift by Small Increments

. Can and should schedule in 15 minute increments

o  Forecast Days Off

. Schedule your days off

. Schedule your best FOH/BOH on your days off

. Schedule your best FOH/BOH on your days worked

. Schedule yourself and your best staff to work on busiest days.

d.  Develop Schedule

o  Stagger Start and Stop Time

. Don’t start/end everyone at same time

o  Determine specific needs:

. Delivery

. Inventory, Ordering, etc.

o  Schedule 2 busiest day first, then our days off, then your other 3 days working

. After completing each day---toggle back to your forecast to see how your hours match against the model

o  Power of Minutes: Managing 5 Minute Increments

. Each associate---5 minutes extra saves 15 minutes when:

  Clocking in, On break and Clocking Out

                    . Saves 15 minutes x 10 shifts per day = 2.5 hrs,

                                  With 7 days saves 17.5 hrs,

                                  At $7.65 per hour saves $133 per week,

                                   $ 535 per period, $ 6962 per year.

o  Post Schedule

Schedules must be posted by Thursday before the start of business (72 hrs before it is effective)

e.   Schedule Adjustments

o  If Forecast Sales are off significantly, make adjustments to forecast schedule for the rest of the week.

. Review with associates

. Have associates initial changes

o  Watch business trends versus your forecast

. Let Business and Service guide decisions

. Service First---Business Second

o  Use floor management skills:

. Move people around

. Give breaks at slow lulls in business

. Monitor your transaction trends

o  If slower than planned:

. Extend breaks by 5 or 10 or 15 minutes

. Ask for volunteers to go home early

. Delay clock-in times by 5 or 10 minutes

. Call associates and ask them to come in later

o  Watch meeting your associates needs, your guest needs, and the needs of the business---Balance Both!


3.  Cross Training

BOH can help FOH clean dining room or serve customers; FOH can help BOH dish washer and preparation. 

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