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A letter to the co-author Blakeley McShane

(2019-03-27 17:36:23) 下一个

Dear professor,

    I have been reading your another paper “Abandon Statistical Significance” all day today. It is a little bit hard to me to understand your whole ideas due to the linguistic background. I have to borrow 个google-translate. 
    I thought the statistical significance should not be a problem in the logical system of statistics itself. The problem might be caused by sort of misunderstandings. 
    Let’s take the t-test as an example. We have two sample means x_bar1 and x_bar2, and easily to find the difference between them, x_bar1 minus x_bar2. This difference is absolutely true in a classical mathematical point of view . But in the statistical point of view, this difference is composed of two parts, or it has two different sources, one is systematic error, and the other is random error. The t-test constructed the t statistic to measure a probabilistic magnitude of the random error in the total difference. Therefore, we have to take dichotomization to make a judgement. I think this is the so-called significance that we can find with the t-test. 
    So, we can say the difference is significant if the probability of random error is happening less than 0.05 threshold; otherwise it is not significant
    Of course, the threshold 0.05 is arbitrarily made. But it looks like that we could have no other ways to do so. 
    However, the true magnitude of either systematic error or random error in the total difference is unknown. We have no way to know them. The t statistic just provides a statistical way to estimate them in a probability scale. Actually the t statistic itself is also a measurement scale. Once it 
is probabilized, we have the probability scale. That is why we can obtain a p-value through a t-value. 
    So, in my opinion, it is not that we are “dichotomania”. We have to take the dichotomy because the difference that we try to test has only two sources. In contrary, if we don’t take the dichotomy, we will fall into a situation with some ignorance.
    I can see in your paper, you often say the null hypothesis for zero effect or zero systematic error. I would like to say that the “zero systematic error” should be replaced by “random error is large enough in the total difference”. This might be better for doing significance test and consequently to explain the results and eliminate some sorts of misunderstanding.

Best regards!
Yours sincerely,
Ligong Chen, MD/MPH

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