当你遇到有人因花生或其它坚果(nut)类或海鲜类等食物、蜜蜂或其它昆虫叮咬、药物(如青霉素Penicillin、先锋霉素Cephalosporin 、泼尼松Prednisone 、地塞米松Decadron等)、疫苗、生物制剂、乳胶手套、男性精液、运动或其它过敏原等引起的全身型过敏性反应(Anaphylaxis)时,若患者呼吸困难、不醒人事,而他/她的包里恰巧备有EpiPen,你该怎样使用它而帮助拯救生命?
1. 定义链接:
2. 仔细看看EpiPen:
3. 图示:How To Use An EpiPen Auto-Injector.
After using the EpiPen, most people experience side effects; trembling, palpitations (heart beating fast), and a feeling of tension or anxiousness. These are normal effects of the adrenaline and soon wear off.
Pushing the EpiPen against the thigh releases a spring activated plunger, pushing the concealed needle into the thigh muscle and expelling a dose of epinephrine