
#2 Musical Wizards~Strokses - Chpt 9

(2009-06-10 17:00:29) 下一个

Chapter 9

Ellie has crocs too, since she was also born at Canada. She has some neat clothes and cute yellow pyjamas. Ellie has a really cute hello kitty alarm clock that plays music. “I really like your doggy bed sheet!” I said to Ellie.

     Ellie, being Ally’s twin sister, also has our favourite green and white spaghetti striped t-shirt and yellow shorts and green crocs. She has our identical green backpack too. We were like triplets!

     Soon, Janisa dropped off our dogs. “Ellie, close your eyes,” we all said. “1, 2, 3!” Ellie opened her eyes and her jaws dropped open with surprise. “Your very own beagle!” Ellie couldn’t move, but her beagle ran towards her. She jumped into her arms and licked her face. Ellie has never been so surprised.

     Then she smiled. “You tricked me on twyf.sa when you acted like you were so sad I didn’t have a dog to join the pet day!” she said and laughed. “You tricked me!” We all laughed so hard. “What are you going to name her?” I asked. “Jaddle!” We were so surprised.

     “In fact, it does look like Jaddle the Dyrvamon!” said Ally. Jaddle already knew her name. “We helped you take care of her!” “Thanks so much! I’m going to teach her 3 tricks!” Just then the bell rang.

     Although Melissa’s aunt knew the door was unlocked, she rang the bell again and came inside. She was holding a really cute Shih Tzu! “Hello!” “Bai-long!” cried Melissa. “Oops!” I guess she was still used to calling him that!

     “Let me guess. You’re Ally.” She pointed at me. We laughed like crazy. “Just kidding. I know you’re Ally.” She pointed at Ally. “Yes,” said Ally, still half laughing.  “And I know Allan and Alo. So you must be Monica,” she pointed at me. “Yes.”

     Bai-long, or I should say, Leather, already knew like 10 thousand tricks. Melissa said it would take her a little while to pick out 3 of them.

    Ellie taught Jaddle a lot of tricks, but 3 of them were especially for the pet day. Like Ally, Ellie wouldn’t tell me those, but she told Jaddle to show me a few. I was still wondering how I could decorate Strokses until Melissa told me something that caught Ally and mine’s attention very much: “Would you like to read my book, “Magical Places You Can Believe or Not!” now?”  “YES!” we shouted.

     Melissa and I went to Ally’s and Ellie’s and (temporary) Melissa’s room. Melissa dug in her drawer until she found the precious thick book titled “Magical Places You Can Believe or Not!” It had a glittering paperback cover with a picture of a sparkling castle on top of the clouds. The sun was shining and the flag on the castle top made it look like it was really windy. “Here,” said Melissa. “Thanks!”

     Ally and I went to a different room, which was Ally’s “office”. She had just moved her homework desk into that room last week, the day after I went back home. Her laptop was there on the homework desk and a desk lamp. She had about 5 binders on the desk that were all filled with lots and lots and lots and lots of papers. The desk came with a drawer attached to it. Ally had a comfy chair that was able to spin around. Her green backpack was under the desk, almost fully blocked by the jet black leather chair. “Wow! This is amazing!” I said. “Thanks,” said Ally, “Look what’s there.” She pointed across the room. There was a huge bookshelf that almost touched the ceiling. It was full of books and more books.

     I went to take a look. There were all of our favourite books like the whole series of Marble Castle, the whole “Magic” series which included “The Magic Bookmark, The Magic Telescope, The Magic Basket,” and more. The whole shelf held only thick chapter books which we enjoyed and some that Ally knew. But who knew Melissa would have the “Magical Places You Can Believe or Not!”? Ally and I sat on the jet black leather chair. It was so big it still had more space when the 2 of us were on it together! Ally turned on her lamp and we began reading.

     “I’m looking for Magic Land,” said Ally, flipping through the pages. “Yeah, me too,” I said. “Let’s check the table of contents.” “Good idea.” We flipped back to the 1st page. The table of contents were printed in beautiful cursive. And I wondered how they got the words to glitter.

     Just the table of contents took up 3 pages double-sided. It was a pretty thick book! Ally and I took almost 15 minutes looking through only 2 of the 3 pages. The book was not in alphabetical order, so we couldn’t just go look for a section of “M”s. Ally and I looked for all of the places beginning with “M”. But finally, after 20 minutes, we found “Music Land”.

     “Page 489,” read Ally, panting so hard. I almost ripped a page as we flipped through the book, finally arriving at page 489. When we got there we almost fainted because all of that hard work got us nothing. This is what we saw:

     “Sorry for the inconvenience. Music Land is the most magical place in the World of Magic. No “Magic Scientist” from earth has found any information about Music Land. Although many people have been to Music Land, we now realize that they have been forced to tell nothing to anyone about Music Land, and the only things we’ve learned is the secret of knowing about Music Land: Anyone who tries their best can go to Music Land, but they will not know when they will; even if they think they have tried their best, they might not have. Only Music Land knows.”

     We read the whole thing about 10 times, which took us only 2 minutes. Ally and i looked at each other and sighed, but then laughed. "i guess it's true!" said Ally. Nobody knew anything about Music Land. That was what we knew. But what if it was a trick? What if it was fiction? Now we know that it's true.
Ally and I read about 12 magical places so we could get ready since we’re actually soon going to one in less than 2 weeks. I was getting excited once again, knowing that in these 2 months, I’ve been very excited 3 times already.

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