
#2 Musical Wizards~Strokses - Chpt 10

(2009-06-10 17:01:55) 下一个

Chapter 10

     Unfortunately, to tell you, you won’t be finding out of our first trip to Music Land in this book. However, in this last chapter you will be finding clues and hints about the pet day (which isn’t in this book either, sorry).

     I was up early the next morning, in my room working on my laptop, dressed in an orange t-shirt and jeans. Suddenly, my SATW cell phone played a song. I knew it was time to start training.

     I stopped my cell phone and called, “Strokses! It’s time for your training!” However, Strokses did not answer me. “Strokses!” I called again. “Strokses! Come here, good girl!” But Strokses did not reply. I went to my room, surprised to see Strokses back in bed, fast asleep, hugging an old slipper. I sighed and picked her up. Her eyes popped open and she was suddenly fully awake. She knew it was training time!
     "Woof!" she barked.

     All day I trained her to do her tricks. She was still able to dance to music, but now she could even balance a pencil on her nose for 5 seconds! I know that isn’t really long, but for a dog, that was pretty good! I trained her hour after hour. I thought maybe she was pretty tired. But my little Shih Tzu wanted to win the pet day competition. Her eyes didn’t even close for very long once.

     “Up, up, up! Strokses! Up! Up! Hello~? Up, Strokses! Up! Come on!” Yes, it was really hard work just to teach her 1 simple move. But you can’t expect a dog to do better very quickly, can you? “Oh, boy!”

     Finally Ally rang the door bell. “Ready!” she called as soon as I opened the door. “Come in!”

     “Okay. So, we know the tricks and costumes are going to be a secret, but we can ask each other for materials, right?” “Check!” I said, pretending to check off a piece of paper with a pencil. “And then…we’re going to meet at the LAM secret hideout with Jason, Janisa and Allan at 2 hours before the pet day competition starts…with your dogs.” “Check!” I said, doing the same.

     We had a discussion, and then it was late. Ally went home just when my parents came back from work.

If you can remember, Ally, Lana, and I have a LAM club. Although the rest of the Musical Wizards know this place, no other people have ever tried coming in, though I believe many people wonder what we do in there everyday.

The current LAM club also has a secret meeting place. It is a grassy area around the corner with the finest grass in the whole school playground. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday before school, we would come and water the grass and the few tall pine trees in the area which gives enough shade so that we can enjoy the sun but not get too sweaty. It was the perfect spot, for practically no one ever came into this spot. It was like a secret garden, because the principal has agreed to build a fence at the entrance to our secret hideout. We got to paint the fence a shiny coat of white after school one sunny day. But of course, there was also a door.

     Our secret hideout was where we spread down Lana’s beach towel every available recess where we could lie down on our stomachs or our backs and relax. We would use Ally’s special green feather pen to write some notes and other stuff in my special leather notebook. Sometimes we would arrange meetings in there for after school, recess, or even on the weekends. We could come here anytime we wanted, even during summer breaks or March breaks, but best of all, winter breaks! At winter our secret hideout had the best, finest, packing snow in the neighbourhood for building snowmen, snowballs, and best of all, igloos! Last winter we spend 3 weeks building an igloo that actually worked! We were lucky that it got ice on it because it stayed frozen 2 weeks longer than the rest of the snow sculptures.

     I’m sad to say that this spring, our secret hideout almost got flooded during the rain storm. Luckily there was a drain right outside of our club house. We laughed so hard as we opened the door and all the water came rushing out, up to the height of our belly buttons. We watched the water rush down the drain making a gurgling sound. That evening we bought flowers and grass seed and soil. My parents helped us carry the stuff to our secret hideout. We dug holes around the club house and planted flowers of red, orange, yellow, blue and purple all around our secret place. It was so beautiful! We watered the new planted flowers and the pine trees, which were okay.

     We sprinkled grass seed all over the grass to help the flooded grass grow. The Musical Wizards all helped to make the LAM secret clubhouse beautiful once again. After a whole month of watering and caring, our clubhouse looked even more beautiful than before.

     I went onto www.twyf.sa and logged on. Realizing everyone from the Musical Wizards were online, including the 2 new members, (Ellie) and (Melissa). So I made everyone join the same conversation. Good thing it was allowed 8 people per conversation; we only had 7. I knew that we were going to have a long friendship period. Though it was my first time meeting Melissa in person, I had a very deep feeling that we were going to be 100% friends just like my other friends. I knew that working together to solve problems is great (mysterious rubber ball), that making new friends is lovely (Melissa, English-expert from China) and that making friends be very surprised is kind and sweet (Ellie’s beagle, Jaddle). Friendship is an important part of our lives.


Find out about the SATW Pet Day with the friends’ dogs in the next book, Musical Wizards #3, SATW Pet Day


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