
#2 Musical Wizards~Strokses - Chpt 6

(2009-06-10 16:47:59) 下一个

Chapter 6

“And Jason sent me one since he couldn’t get it in Allan’s e-mail. I better ask Allan about it later. This other one is from you, which I never even read.” “Really?” I was so surprised. I almost laughed my head off! “And then there was this e-mail from my Aunt Jenny at China. Then there was one from Boss Lola about the meeting. 3 of the other 4 were from an online shop which I don’t even know about, but I don’t think that counts as a junk mail, does it?” “Maybe not,” I laughed. “And the last one is from Master Tann from school. She congratulated us that we won the competition.” “Hey! I got one too!” I said.

I told Ally about my e-mails, when Allan came to our room. “Hi Monee.” Then he turned to Ally. “Guess what, Ally?” “What?” Allan came over. “Guess…” “I don’t know!” Ally said. “Okay, I’ll tell you. You know the pet day at SATW?” “Yeah…” “Well it said that if your friend works at SATW then they can invite somebody that doesn’t work there to the pet day too! Wanna go sign-up together tonight?” “Sure!” And we did a triple leaping high five.

“Hey Ally. My laptop broke down 2 weeks ago. Master Paicko---” - (Allan’s computer master) - “---was at China with Ellie – what a surprise, eh? – um…like, I had to do a lot of speeches about computer technology so Master Paicko told us to write about 30 or so speeches. She’s gonna pick the best 1 in our 30 speeches. Then we’re gonna say that speech in the Computer Technology Contest.”

Allan continued. “So I wrote about 25, then my laptop broke down because it was mixed up about 25 speeches. The machine broke down because I have a lot of files and I wrote too many speeches. Oh, and Master Paicko told us that there will be no more machines to sell until the electricity flower – a machine that looks like a flower that runs electricity – is fixed. It got zapped by lightning. It’s a very important machine so it’s very hard to fix. Now I have to wait until Master Paicko comes back.” Ally and I stared at him. Finally Ally said, “Jason tried sending you an e-mail but he couldn’t get it in your e-mail box. I have it here, if you would just read it now so I can delete it since I get a lot of e-mails these days.” Allan read Jason’s e-mail then quickly said a whole lot of sentences. He told us how his computer broke down. Then the 4 dogs came in. Allan scooped up Chihuanie and left to his room, saying, “See ya!” Then he shut the door with a loud BAAM!

Ally and I looked at each other. Now that was totally weird.

For 10 minutes we talked to Ellie on

has just joined

the conversation.

has just joined the conversation.

: ellie HAY?

: great, you guys?

: greater than great, sissy

: hey ell we wish you could come back earlier

: yeah sissy 2 bad ur comin home by train

: yeah did you read the SATW popping news?

: yeah 2 bad I don’t have a dog.

Ally and I glanced at each other. I pictured Allan smiling. We had a surprise for Ellie and she would never in a million years know!
       After 20 minutes Ellie had to go to school, so we logged off and changed. Since I was staying for a week I packed all of my favourite toys and clothes. I wore my 3rd favourite yellow spaghetti striped shirt with curly spaghetti stripes. I put on my white mid-way tights. Then I grabbed my backpack.

Ally, Allan and I jumped onto our bikes. It was time to go sign-up for the SATW Pet Day! We rode for about 5 minutes until we got to the Special Agent Trivia Workshop. We signed-up at the front counter.

Since Allan doesn’t work at the Special Agent Trivia Workshop, one of us “invited” him to the Pet Day. Ellie worked at SATW before she left, so we didn’t have to “invite” her.

We each filled in a sign-up form. After that we put our form in an envelope with 2 dollars each. Then we put our envelopes in a box already filled with lots of other envelopes.

Sign up for the Special Agent Trivia Workshop Pet Day

Full name: _______________

Age: _______________

Pet species:                

a) Do you work at the SATW?

Yes O

No    O

b) If no, you must be invited.

Name of inviter:                

Number of competitions attended:

1 (Best trick performer) O

1 (Most creative decoration) O

2 (Best trick performer+most creative decoration) O

(Please Circle One)







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