
#1 Musical Wizards~Concert Day - Chpt 10

(2009-06-10 15:23:13) 下一个
Chapter 10

     Brrriinng! My alarm clock went off. I pressed the button on it lazily and changed into my favourite green t-shirt and orange shorts. Then I was awake. Today was the competition!

     I went downstairs and quickly ate my cereal. I packed my bag and then prayed to God to help me do good today. Ally told me that I should do that because she was supposed to teach more people about God. So now I believe in God, and every other week I would go to church with Ally’s family.

     I ran out to the bus and went to an empty seat. After 2 minutes, Ally got on the bus and came. “I saved a seat for you, Ally!” I said. She sat down beside me and said, “I’m excited and really, really, really nervous at the same time.” “Me too!” And we bit our lip and looked really nervous.

     Finally we got to school. The day dragged by. It felt like a million hundred hours until finally it was the middle of the day! I put my flute and book in my orange leather bag and Ally put her flute and book in her green leather bag. We sat on the school bus together and immediately took out our books and began to study. After 10 minutes, we were sure that we were perfect so we decided to calm down and save up some energy. By then I was really, really nervous!
     Finally we got to the Honeybee Valley Community Centre. There were about five school buses there! i guessed that there were going to be about 20 people competing. but i did not know that there were going to be 7 bands competing - way more than 20 people!
     We went to the stage together. I looked over at the Music Delight Band – the other band from our school. Then I looked at the other 5 bands. We had to beat them! I looked over at my team mates. They were calm. I guessed that they were really nervous too, but they knew we had practised the most!

     After 20 minutes, the competition was about to start. I wondered what the rest of the class was doing back at school. I looked at the judges and the audience. And then I caught sight of my family! They gave me a thumbs-up. It was only then that I knew that I should try my best and stop worrying. I looked over at Ally. She was smiling at her family. Even Igloo was there! But her puppy was as silent as a mouse. He didn’t even bark once.

     Soon, the speaker was on and the judges spoke. The crowd became silent. I was really nervous, but I tried to stay calm. “Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to the 4th annual music competition at Honeybee Valley Community Centre. All of the competitors are neatly lined up at the front of the stage right now. Soon, there will be only one band and the rest will be at backstage. When this band is finished, another band will come up, and we will keep going until all of the bands have gone. Then, while they take a break, the judges are going to rate each band. Then the competitors will line up just like now and we will announce the top 3 bands! Then I will get the teacher of each band to hand out the prizes to each winner! Let’s begin!

     “The first band is…the We Love Music Band; 4th grade; Maple Heart Elementary School. Welcome!”

     I watched the band come and set up. I felt butterflies in my stomach, but I quickly shooed them away. Then the crowd was silent as they started to play their song.

     I looked at Ally and we smiled. “I must admit it, they’re pretty good,” I whispered to Ally. “Yeah. Shhh!” We waited until they finished. Then we applauded.

     4 other bands went. The first 2 were pretty good. The 3rd one was really, really good. The last one was o.k. Then it was our turn.

     “The 6th band is…the Musical Wizards Band; 5th grade; Honey Rose Public School. Welcome!”

     I bit my lip as we went on stage. I sat down and stared at the audience. There were lots and lots and lots of people!

     Master Tann crouched down at the bottom of the stage. She whispered, “One, two---” I took a deep breath, and we started playing the piece. I looked at my parents. I knew I could not let them down. They waved at me, but I turned my head away and tried to concentrate. Then, I thought that we might be on television, but I quickly caught myself and played smoothly throughout the rest of the piece.

     The crowd cheered and clapped. For some reason, I thought that they clapped harder than for any other band. I smiled and gave Ally and high five. Then we went to backstage.

     The rest of the bands performed their piece to the judges. Then it was time for the break. Master Tann told us how great we were. And then it was time for the rates.

     “Welcome back. We will now be announcing the winners! The first place is…” Ally and I looked at each other and bit our lips. “The Fantastic Troop Band Congratulations!” My jaw dropped open. It was not possible! A loud cheer rang out at the end of the line. “Second place is…” I bit my lip harder. “The Musical Wizards Band! Congratulations!” Ally, Allan, Janisa, Jason and I cheered louder than ever. At least we got second! “Third place is…The Music Note Band! Congratulations!” Another cheer rang out in the middle of the line. There were lots of groans from the people who did not win. “But everyone will get a certificate!”

     Master Tann was just about to hand out our silver medals when a judge shouted, “Stop! Stop!” Everyone froze. “Our first place winners, the Fantastic Troop Band, have unfortunately cheated and have made several mistakes in the piece. The other members skipped that part so no one would notice that somebody has made a mistake. So, that band will be disqualified. Therefore, The Musical Wizards Band is our 4th annual first place band!” The rest of the people in our band cheered. But Ally and I just dropped open our jaws and stared. It was a miracle!

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