
#1 Musical Wizards~Concert Day - Chpt 4

(2009-06-10 15:10:03) 下一个

Chapter 4

I logged off and I put my laptop and all my stuff in my green backpack. I smiled. Ally was the best friend ever. I carried my backpack and I turned off the lights. Then I closed the door, locked it, and went next door. Ally’s office was right beside mine since we were best friends. I knocked on the door. “Come in,” said Ally. I slowly turned the doorknob and I went inside. Ally was wearing a green T-shirt and brown shorts. “Al!” “Hey Monee!”

I took off my backpack and I took out my laptop. Then I sat beside Ally. “Thanks a lot, Ally! You’re great!” Ally beamed. We decided to play our favourite computer game since we had pretty much no work. I took out the connection wire and stuck one end in each of our laptops. Then I turned on my laptop and went to the game website, www.missioncomplete.com. Then I typed in my username and password.

              Username:   Monee-Mii-mission 

             Password:   *********          

     The game started. We each had a character. Mine is a pretty girl who is really good at being a detective. I named her Maggie98. Ally has the same girl, but she named hers Nicola-Ann. We both went into the meeting room. It was cool to see the character of somebody you knew. Ally and I clicked on the button that says “Start new mission”. Then “loading…” appeared on both of our screens.

     In less than 5 seconds, the game was finished loading. This time, our character got scrambled into starting at Jungle Forest. To walk to somewhere, we had to click on where you want it to go. For some reason, Ally ended up way ahead of me. So she waited while I tried to get near her so we won’t get lost. Finally I caught up with Ally. I turned on the mini map selection and was surprised to see that the green dots (Ally and I) were in the middle of the map. First we tried going left. We were going closer to the mission castle, but when we tried going right, we saw that it was a shorter way.

     Finally we reached the mission castle. When we went inside, we had to talk to a master who told us stuff that we heard a billion times. Then he told us that our room was room 207. That was weird because our school homeroom was room 207.

     After 15 minutes, we finished the mission. I logged off and we went onto www.twyf.sa. I typed in my username and password like I did before and “loading…” appeared on the screen.

            Username:   monee-mii   

           Password:   ***********   

     I decided to talk to ur~lana>. Lana is my second best friend.

         : hey lana

           ur~lana>: hey where r u?

           : um at the office with al

           ur~lana>: I should’ve known :P

           : haha (lol)

           ur~lana>: what’s that mean?

           : laugh out loud

     Lana just got her account on www.twyf.sa. She doesn’t know a lot about chat words.

          ur~lana>: that’s cool

            : it is (double lol)

            has just joined the conversation.

            ur~lana>: all-yang!

            : hey lana

Some people call Ally by her nickname, All-yang. It’s simple. Just take her full name (Ally Fang), take out the first letter of her last name, then put a dash between the last letter of her first name and the second last letter of her first name. If I have to be specific, then you take away the space between her first name and last name. If you did that to me, it would be…Monic-aites. I think it is pronounced Mon-ick-eights. Ok. Now that’s a weird name. So some people get a really cute nickname if they do that (like All-yang), and some people get a really weird nickname if they do that (like Monic-aites).

Finally, we all logged off. Our eyes were weak and everything we saw looked blurry (except for the screen, of course!). We put our stuff in our green backpacks. The only way we can tell the difference is that Ally tied her 3 Pooh Bear toys you get in those machines for 2 dollars on her zippers and her zippers has a braid on them that Ally had made. She also has mini Dyrvamon toys on her zipper (you won’t know what those are unless you read Dyrvamon books!). Mine also has mini Dyrvamon toys on my zipper, but I also have stickers of them on the name tag.

We hopped onto our bikes and rode towards our homes together (remember we go the same way for a while?). Then, Ally turned and we said good bye. Then I rode as fast as I could back home.

When I got home, I put my bike in the garage and went upstairs. I was tired. I took off my socks, my vest and my watch and then crawled under the covers. Oh, how great it felt to be sleeping in my bed in the middle of summer with my fan turned on…

To be continued on the next chapter…


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