My name is Jackie. I'm a part time Market America distributor. My email address is Because I seldom to answer my cell due to my job reason, I probablly won't answer your call. But If you want, leave me a message at 416-2758222.

I came to Canada in Sep/02, and joined Market America in Oct/02. I accpeted the NDT and ECCT training in a later stage. But without much business activities. In Market America business, 90% of the jobs should be Show the biz plan and product to people. I didn't do that at the time. Please be adviced that we are using the word "Show" but not recruit.

I sponsored 2 chinese students, one of them quit and come back again. He is studying at Vic Uni, Victoria, BC. Another is doing his Master at UNB, and he suspend it at the moment. We are still friends.

I sponsored one overseas chinese lady who had a convenient store at the moment. 2 black ladies, one is a professional and business person, another is a Avon Lady.

The only chinese new immigrant lady in my team is ok for the moment. The market America products helping her mum a lot.

I have a Hong Kong guy in my organization as well. He joined our team without and talking, and is going to quit.

Overall two black ladies works fine. They are doing some retailing, mostly OPCs and Vitamins. My chinese lady works fine as well. She sells OPCs a lot.

At this moment my organization always short of products because we have a lot of orders, some of them are repeat orders.

Most of my Maintain goes to retailing, sampling, personal use, and family use as present. And I attend meeting whenever I can coz I can learn a lot from our meetings, regarding to health information, marketing information, and personnel sucess training.

I did all my Market America business during my part time because i'm still young, with a lot of University Tuition debt. I need quick money to support my life.

Overall my orgazation runs smoothly, sometimes we had quarrels with each other. I mean with my black ladies. -_- But when we are together, we are happy. And the place I stay we have chinese immigrants as well. We are staying together warmly. I don't have a lot of time to convince my friends for Market America business. Because there are guys who are interest in the products and business. And I have job as well, of which occupies a lot of my time and energy.

I've got my first commission cheque in July, my birthdate. And my second cheque also qualified last week. I don't think I'm successful because it is almost one year already. But since my product goes to the above place, i didn't feel stressful about the Maintain. Actually if I have some more money, I should put it into product for more retailing.
And my sponsor, a smart lady, working in Market America for 2 years and her income is about US$5000 per month, which is not bad at all.

I've read that Gentleman's article saying "Market America, a Beautiful Lie" couple of weeks ago at I would say that in this world, nothing comes easy. There are Career Manual, Audio Casette, Vedio, and more and More, Market America comes out system CDROM, DVD. You have a lot tools for the business. If you want to learn, and have the ability to learn, you have the resource there waiting for you.

From the article, I can't see what his friend did in the business. I didn't see that they did the retailing at all!!!

For any business, if the product cannot goes into the end consumer's hand, it is illegal. Especially for the Direct Sale Industry, due to the well known reason, the govenment has a very tight monitor and control procedure for the industry.

Maybe you want to say the product is too expensive, you don't need it... But please, read the local papers. If you ever read the Toronto Star, some articles talking about too much side effect of Medication and Drugs. If you read about the Health Section, you may notice that how Red Wine could extend people's life span....Those are the main stream words. What they need? Anti-aging product, Natural Health Supplements,...... What Market America provides customers??? Please compare it with your heart.

My personal sample would be my Avon lady, she's complaint to me about how expensive the OPC is. It is hard to sell the first bottle, then suddenly she sold 5 bottles, and next week she will get a repeat orders.

I believe for anything, any reason, YOU GOTTA LEARN HOW TO WORK SMART AND HARD!!!! Market America teaches you the rules and method to do a nice business. You've saved the energy to create something. Following the rules, you can make something.

Even my current company, Woodbine Pontiac Buick GMC, of which they recuited me last week, set us our sales person ruls and procedures to follow, set us Customer Contact Management System. All of those, you can find it from Market America!!! Our Dearlership is top 5 among 41 GM dealter in Toronto. When I compare the the two, It is almos the same!!!

I can say one of the reason why so many chinese new immigrants joined and complaint, the reason is still ours. Not Market America. We are in Canada, We ARE NOT THE MAIN STREAM!! If we cannot become MAIN STREAM at the moment, We may join them!! Looking for what they need,and provide it to THEM, not our little CIRCLE. I know it is hard. But if you want a MAIN STREAM life, you gotta learn it.

For Market America, what you think for whom their Customers are??? Our Thousands of new IMMIGRANTS WITHOUT A PROPER JOB? Or the MAIN STREAM FAMILY with an Annual Income of 30 to 70 k??? Compare the life style, the income, if you are smart, you will know who is your customers!!

This is a long story, I'm not a good talking guy and I need to get to bed now.

Thank you guys. I don't really have time to talk with people for those stupid question because I can spend it to learn something, do something, and gain something. But I still feel happy to tell you what I feel. that I have the responsibily to share you guys something positive.

One word for my fellow countrymen: Open Your Heart, Learn Something, Do Something. Don't always sit here, and talk here in front of Computer.

Get Out, Do Something Positive For Your Life!!!