personal space
(2009-07-23 15:14:49)
i remember the concept of personal space was introduced to me by Joe when i first lived in with the Riley's. Katie, being a 4yr old was so close to me and enjoyed playing with me a lot. i was of course, so happy that we got along so well until one day Joe had a serious conversation with me.. he told me that Katie was a little bit upset as i was too close to her when we play or talk physically. he asked me if i know what "personal space" meant.. i did not know. the conversation made me quite uneasy for the next couple weeks and i intentially distanced myself from Katie. but the irony is that after more than a decade, i am feeling more and more the importance of having personal space in my house. my in-laws are nice people and they treat me very well as much as a daughter to them.. however, they have been staying so long with us that i am feeling i can't breathe well. we took road trips and the five of us are locked in the same space-car for a few hours, i just simply can't handle the conversation. or if i am simply being quite, then it is rude. i'd like to have the time to go out with my daughter alone, or have a movie treat with my hubby.. but it never happened. my hubby won't do that, he would think that i am not a good daughter in law. as easy as they are, i just think it has been too long that we all just need a good break from each other. my american coworkers think this is insane that they have been here that long, but i am a hybrid that sits in between of the two culture. as much as i love my daughter, i would hope that i dnt get involved in her life that much. the american style of the parents-kids relationship appears to be more healthy to me.. that each party enjoys the comany during major holidays yet not upsetting each other under the same roof..