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A world-famous Viennese

(2024-02-16 15:32:32) 下一个

A world-famous Viennese [1]

Sigmund Freud (1956-1939) [2]

Sigmund Freud was born as a wool merchant’s son in Freiberg (Mähren) [3] in 1856. In 1958 his parents moved to Vienna, where they lived in Berggasse 19 [4]. In 1873 Freud began studying medicine at the University of Vienna; he graduated in 1881 with a doctorate in medicine. After his study visit to France, Freud became a professor for neuropathology at the University of Vienna in 1885. He experimented with “speech therapy” and hypnosis and in 1896 he first used the term psychoanalysis. After many contributions to psychoanalysis, in later years Freud also wrote about culture and religion. After the invasion of Austria by German troops in 1938, Freud, because he was Jewish, emigrated with his family to London, where he died in 1939. After his death his daughter Anna opened a Freud Museum in London. In 1971 the Freud Museum in Vienna opened in Berggasse 19, where Freud lived there for 47 years.


The dream

Sigmund Freud


… There are dreams, which are so meaningful as if it really happened, so real, which we don’t consider them as dreams for a long time after waking up; others, which are unspeakable weak, shadow-like and fuzzy […] Dreams could be totally meaningful or at least coherent, even witty, fantastically beautiful; others on the other hand are convoluted, like idiotic, absurd, often virtually crazy. There are dreams, which leave us completely cold, others in which all affects become loud, a pain almost to cry, a fear almost to wake up, astonishment, delight, etc. Dreams are mostly quickly forgotten after waking up, or they last for a day in such a way, that they always are remembered faintly and fragmented in the evening; others are preserved so well, for example, childhood dreams, they stand in memory like fresh events 30 years later… In short, that a little bit nocturnal mental activity has a gigantic repertoire, can actually do everything which the soul does during the day, but it is never the same thing … (from Sigmund Freud, Lectures of introduction in psychoanalysis).                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       [1]. Translated by me from p. 285. Ein weltberühmter Wiener Sigmund Freud (1856-1939). Stationen, Ein Kursbuch für die Mittelstufe, 3rd Edition, Prisca Augustyn & Nikolaus Euba, Cengage Learning, USA, 2015                           

[2]. Sigmund Freud. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sigmund_Freud

[3]. Freiberg (Mähren). Now it is known as P?íbor, in Czech Republic. This region was part of Austro-Hungarian Empire when Freud was born.                                  

[4]. Berggasse 19.  This is the address where Sigmund Freud lived and worked for 47 years before he had to flee to Nazis.    https://www.freud-museum.at/en/


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