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How to find and move one file in Linux OS

(2023-12-26 06:49:49) 下一个

Find and move one file from one folder to another in Linux operating system is not very easy, at least for people who are just moving into this new Linux operating system.

Suppose your file is meitan.jpg, your destination folder is rpi-rgb-led-matriximg and your file right now is in the root directory in a microSD card.

Here is how:

1. In desktop, close this "removable medium is inserted" window:


2. Find your destination folder by clicking on File Manager folder:

you will get:

3. Click on rpi-rgb-led-matrix:

right click on your mouse, you will get a new window:

click on Open, you will get:

4. Click on img, then right click on your mouse, then click on  Open,

you will get what in this folder (where image files are stored):


5. Click on File Manager:

you will get the following screen:

click the UP arrow from /home/pi:


you will get the following screen, then click on the up arrow again,

you will get:


6. click on Tools


you get this new window, then type meitan.jpg and click on Find:

after the sand-clock:

7. Then "meitan.jpg" is found:

8. Click on meitan.jpg, click on Edit, then click on Copy:

9. go to rpi-rgb-led-matriximgimg folder, click on Edit, then click on Paste:

10. You will get meitan.jpg in rpi-rgb-led-matriximg folder,

11. end
















































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