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诗人布莱 (Robert Bly) 谈父亲对男孩的决定性影响及其它

(2008-12-10 07:38:07) 下一个



(from Bill Moyers – A World of Ideas II. The book was a collection of Bill Moyers’s interviews with “some of themost outstanding minds of our time”. Thefollowing are excerpts from the interview transcript with Robert Bly, apreeminent American poet. I was deeplymoved by the conversation.)




A woman can bring the boy from being a fetus to being a boy, but she can’t move him from being a boy to being a man. Only other men can do that.


Many women bless young men, but the man still needs a blessing from an older man. I heard Robert Moore say to a group of men, “How many of you have admired a younger man in the last two weeks, and told him so?” Silence. “How many of you were admired by older men when you were young?” Silence. Then he said that sentence, “If you are a young man and you’re not being admired by an older man, you’re being hurt.”


But, you know, men are not hiding their feelings from women. Men look down inside and they don’t see anything in there. There’s a feeling of numbness that, for men, comes early in life.




Each of us desperately needs our warrior. A warrior is not someone who goes off and kills. That’s the negative warrior, the one without a king.


The warrior usually has a cause transcendent to himself.


The king is that part of you that can decide.


Japanese men were strong in the warrior during the Second World War, and they somehow transferred that into their briefcases and into their VCRs.




Grief is the door to feeling. Being out in nature is not the door to feeling. Excitement, I thought, was the door to feeling. It isn’t. That’s why rock music doesn’t always work in helping people open to feeling. Excitement is not it.



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胡涣 回复 悄悄话 回复悉尼骆驼祥子的评论:

胡涣 回复 悄悄话 回复虔谦的评论:

胡涣 回复 悄悄话 回复edrifter的评论:


Robert Bly 的父亲是个酒鬼,所以他对父亲的意义感受最深。他对每个成年男人提出了一个挑战。
虔谦 回复 悄悄话 来问候胡涣. 还在琢磨你的善恶之说. 我怎么觉得写善会容易过写恶呢.

edrifter 回复 悄悄话 Those are fine and deep thoughts, poetic and philosophical! The following observation makes me laughing:

“Japanese men were strong in the warrior during the Second World War, and they somehow transferred that into their briefcases and into their VCRs.”