

(2015-04-12 17:37:15) 下一个





Mother used to tell me that the day of I born, the sky was extremly dark and the heavy clouds were drooping down very low, It only with some filarments of blood red in the black sky. That night, there wasn't the slightest wind, nor were there any stars. The tress never moved against in this vast blackness.

Was I frightened by all this? I do not know. But for days after I was born, I did nothing but cry. Then I slept. Anyone would have thought I was already dead, if I hadn't been weakly breathing.

I stayed hospital after I was born,and the doctor's, entreated by my mother, never ceased in their battle to save my life.But they all said that I could not have been saved without a miracle.Because I had so many physical problems - in my heart. my spleem, my lungs- many people tried to persuade my mother to give up the battle to save me, but she refused to listen. So, if I am alive today, It is entirely due to my mother's persistence.
when I was little, the people who were living around me used to tell me that my life had been shored up by my mother's tears and money. When my mother told me about that, a faint smile swept across her face, which shows the vicissotides of life she underwent. But my face was numb, it was a matter that did not concern me. Even now, although I love my mother very much, I think about  the events of my birth as if they belonged to some one else's life, not mine. Childhood for me is almost blank.

I had stayed in hospital since I was born; I had came back home from there until when I was three years old, because docotrs had given up trying to save my life; I didn't walk until I was four, and began to have memory at five; by the time, I was six I could speak just a few words...!

All of these things recall that from the fragments of my mother's memories, stitched together in my mind as I grew. But in reality, I knew nothing about them.
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