

抛砖引玉:一个六年级男孩的Peter Liang case study

(2016-02-17 11:20:57) 下一个


六年级娃平日对付学校作业,读书,弹琴,参加点体育,再额外做点数学什么的,一天天就过去了,不看报不看新闻,对国家政治法律的了解基本来源于学校的social study和书本。拿到题目是就只看出像是个Chinese name,还问是不是个科学家,发现跟枪击死亡有关系,有点生气,质问为啥让他学习这个。

当妈的略略解释了原因,给他看了城门那个非裔女性的短视频,后来还有些short discussion。娃写的基本是自己网上阅读的成果。要求他写个300~500的description,再加点各方看法,和他个人的思考。娃基本掐着低线完成了。请叔叔阿姨们看看,看有什么该引导补充的。

PS, 不想太拔苗助长。

On November 20th, 2014, a twenty-eight year old African American man named Akai Gurley was accidentally shot and killed by twenty-seven year old rookie police officer Peter Liang. Officer Liang and his colleague Shaun Landau were conducting a vertical patrol on staircases in the Louis H. Pink Houses in Brooklyn. Liang entered a dark, unlit stairwell with his firearm drawn and ready to fire, when Gurley and his girlfriend, Melissa Butler, entered the staircase a story below. Liang was opening a door when he was startled and his gun went off. Neither Liang nor Gurley saw each other when the firearm discharged. The bullet ricocheted off of a wall and hit Gurley in the heart. Gurley reportedly ran, and didn’t even notice that he was critically bleeding until he collapsed on the fifth floor. That shooting was similar to one that happened in 2004, in which Timothy Stansbury Jr. was accidentally shot on the roof of a building.

Peter Liang was charged with second degree manslaughter and official misconduct for not helping Mr. Gurley when he lay, dying. Melissa Butler testified that while she had tried to resuscitate him, Liang had paused briefly but hadn’t helped in reviving Gurley before heading down the stairs. The jury debated amongst themselves for two days before deciding that Liang was guilty. Additionally, the police department said that they would fire Officer Liang. Liang might face fifteen years in prison. The verdict brought along a lot of controversy, with Liang’s defenders claiming that he hadn’t had sufficient training before the incident, and his opponents criticizing him and saying that he hadn’t made the slightest attempt to help the dying Gurley. Upon hearing the verdict, Liang bowed his head and covered his face with his hands, while Mr. Gurley’s family and friends shed tears of joy, embraced, and offered thanks and words of relief.

There are several ways to look at the matter. It can be considered as an unfortunate accident, or as a case of manslaughter, which is a crime. There have been many conflictions between whites and African Americans, as well as between police officers and African Americans. Behind this case, there are many racial prejudices and other things. On July 24th, 2014, in Staten Island, Eric Garner was placed in a chokehold and died from compression of the neck and chest. The white policeman who killed him wasn’t fired, or put in jail, but the African American sergeant was brought to court simply because she witnessed the whole thing and didn’t do anything about it. On one side, Liang’s arrest was a good thing, but on the other hand, it was a matter of racism. If Liang had been white instead of Asian, it is doubtful that he would’ve had as severe a punishment.

From reading about this unfortunate incident, I learned that everyone makes mistakes, but not everyone will correct them. In Outlier by Malcolm Gladwell, I heard about two smart people. Robert Oppenheimer made a very serious mistake when he was young, but he corrected it well and became one of the most important scientists of his time. Chris Langing had a higher IQ, as well as other advantages, but when he made a trivial mistake, he was at a loss at how to fix it, and destroyed many opportunities that could have come his way. Liang’s mistake had cost a life, and since he didn’t sort it out, he destroyed much of his future.

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