

(2008-04-26 17:30:09) 下一个
Richart 是我儿子,他今年9岁了,是个小男人了,很有自己的思想了,这不,他也不问我们要圣诞节礼物,人家直接给圣诞老人写了一封信:

Dear Santa,
What I want for Christmas is a new pet such as a new turtle (alive) without a tail and also a book about how to fold airplanes and also a hamster. But not chocolates this time, because I already have a whole bunch of chocolates, please bring me those stuffs.


I want the turtle as the size of my old turtle and the hamster as the same size as a normal hamster.

I want them real and alive, I want a fish bowl for the turtle and a hamster cage with a wheel for the hamster, please.


我和他爸看了信不能无动于衷---------他爸上网给找了一堆宠物店的电话,我觉得这是一极好的机会,可以教他搞市场调查,就叫他自己给宠物店打电话- --------问问乌龟的价格,找一最便宜的,他说打就打,打了一圈儿,发现最便宜的也得三十几块---------加税得四十,我和他爸都觉得太贵- ---------因前几天Richard的冰球教练让给买一新头盔---------从前我们用的都是旧的,新头盔花了我们快五十块钱-------- 说好了这就算圣诞节礼物了,现在又要宠物-------显然超出了我们的预算。

正好前几天他爸带他上图书馆,正赶是人家登记图书馆音乐会节目,把他也加上了,于是昨天我一大早陪他去图书馆开音乐会--------我以为也就是哄哄小孩儿玩儿的--------谁知还挺正式的-------- --图书馆边上有一小音乐厅,里头舞台,幕布,灯光一应俱全,而且不光小孩儿表演,还有好些大人,还有裁判。

Richard 表演唱歌,唱的是 This land is your land, 他往舞台上那么一站--------昂首挺胸,唱起来中气十足,表情自信又骄傲:

This land is your land,
This land is my land,
From California
To the New York Island,
From the redwood forest,
To the Gulf stream waters,
This land was made for you and me.

I\'ve roamed and rambled
And I\'ve followed my footsteps
To the sparkling sands of her diamond deserts
And all around me a voice was sounding
This land was made for you and me

This land is your land,
This land is my land,
From California
To the New York Island,
From the redwood forest,
To the Gulf stream waters,
This land was made for you and me.

As I was walking,
That ribbon of highway,
I saw above me
That endless skyway,
I saw below me
That golden valley.
This land was made for you and me.

This land is your land,
This land is my land,
From California
To the New York Island,
From the redwood forest,
To the Gulf stream waters,
This land was made for you and me.

The sun comes shining
As I was strolling
The wheat fields waving
And the dust clouds rolling
The fog was lifting a voice come chanting
This land was made for you and me

This land is your land,
This land is my land,
From California
To the New York Island,
From the redwood forest,
To the Gulf stream waters,
This land was made for you and me.
This land was made for you and me.

他的自信和骄傲打动了底下的观众----------全是白人,连个黑人都没有,观众合着拍子拍手,我边儿上的一个女的说:”This is your son? He is great!”----------- Richard 在十几个节目中得了第一----------他为他自己赢得了荣誉,也为他自己赢得了圣诞节礼物。

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