
\'考古\' -千古悬棺迷

(2008-04-20 13:30:41) 下一个

【阅读文摘_考古】揭开千古悬棺之迷 -双语图文-080420

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They are not robbing the ancient tombs. Now, you can enjoy on spot ( Historic Site of "Suspend Coffins": Jiangxi province China ): Nov 25, now as pictures will show you how the coffins uniquely buried half way on the stiff rocky cliff. Their mimicperformance may bring you to the time when they were lifted and carriedinto the caves in a way that can be traced back some thousands yearsago.



The peaks are high and stiff, but surfaces are smooth anddifficult to step on; the river called Lu-xi is flowingbeneath. Various caves are seen on the cutting wall  of the rocksurface, believed some hundred more cave-tombs were 2,500 years old; Itis said they belong to the ancient Yue people in period called: they are positioned as high as to 20 to 50 meters on the cliff.  

在大片岩壁上,洞穴星罗棋布,从泸溪河舟中或地面眺望,可隐约望见洞口或钉木桩,或封木板,"藏一棺而暴其半者"多处可见。Caves sighted in many places scattered on the massive wallof the rocky cliff, the black holes and the wood stuck out, some woodbroad sits on it, coffins are seen half in side, and half exploded inthe open air.  


The height prevented people to reach and enter; so what isinside had remained an enigma for many centuries. How does it reallyhappen to put those 'suspended coffins' into the caves? The questionmarks hunted many scientists in the world, however, none of them aresolved.


From Internet source, Study purpose only, Readers discretion advised! 

约翰雷K. Shaw Burlington, Ca. 2008   四月  

You can reach him at: lakeshore_viewer_2008@yahoo.cn (China) john.canjourno.2008@gmail.com ( International   


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