
■ 席慕容回国访谈摘要双语 ( Interviewing)

(2008-02-25 18:57:04) 下一个

席慕容 回国访谈摘要双语 ( Interviewing )

一语 : 蒙族 , 台籍女诗人的诗 , 相关博文十分常见 . 这首 ” 乡愁 ” 在我读来 , 确实凄清 , 而透出幽幽地伤感 . 为文学社众多博友所钟爱 , 是极自然地道理了 . 而习译如下 :

按: ■ 席慕容 〔简介)


What is you most significance of your returning trip to homeland, or the most impressive taken-in ?

席慕容:我觉得在我46岁踏上故以前,这个世界没有给我一个正确的内蒙古,没有给我一个完整的、仔细的、正确的内蒙古高原的草原文化。我的意思是说,这么好的东西怎么从来没有人告诉过我,我46年所缺少的正是这个属于我的故乡的生命现场,我缺席了46年,所以我现在加倍地想要补回来。我用书写,用演讲,在我书写的同时、演讲的同时,我觉得自己在建构一个我的生命现场,这个生命现场是草原文化给我的启发,我希望跟大家分享。 I was already 46 years of age before I stepped on to the home land. Before that, the inner-Mongolia left in me from this world is far away from the one that should be is correct, complete, detailed, or accurate; the culture, either. I mean, why no one tells me that. (this of such beauty?) and that, I thought, was what I missed in this whole 46 years, a living presence of the mother land, I have been absent too long, so I am as twice as much eager to get it back. I write, I make speech, while I feel that I am building a theater of my life again, and in this live presence, the inspiration that only this magnificent culture of the vast grassland and in this unique locale can provide, I have to share with all.

The biggest, or the number one reason that people like your poem is Love , but please tell us why the time-sphere of your love poem is so huge?

席慕容:没有人规定说40岁以后不准谈恋爱。我那个时候30多岁,30岁现在看很年轻,我女儿现在有30多岁了,那个时候还有诗人跟我说,你到50岁的时候总不能写情诗了吧,他是好意,但是我觉得写诗不是我的专业,我觉得我是要写才写的,我也不知道50岁怎么了,我现在离50岁已经很远了,但是我还在写,谁说50岁不能写,照写,但是有些东西得改变,有一些沧桑。谁规定超过60岁的灵魂就不可以写,灵魂是自由的,可是超过60岁的人就得循规蹈矩一点 。 There is no such limit to the age of love, after 40 years old? No such rules; I was in my 30's of age, a women in her 30 could be very young from now; my daughter is more than 30 now; I remember, a poet said to me in his good willing that writing love poems are quite beyond age of 50, however, poetry is not my expertise, I write for I have to. Nothing wrong with the age of 50 either; now, its pretty far from my age of 50; but I go on writing, no body says one can not write when you re 50 years of age? People still can do that, of cause, something ought to be changed, you feel the time-changing, or some agedness. No rules prohibit a soul of 60's, our soul is free; surely, nevertheless, one should be more disciplined when get over 60.

( 约翰雷 K.Shaw 据网络资料, 试 译 , 望笔正)

约翰雷 K.Shaw  ]
You can reach him at:
john.canjourno.2008@gmail.com ( International )

约翰雷 K.Shaw (双语贴) Burlington, Ca. 北美文学社美美专栏 2008 年初春二月

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