
很多事情很多心情写了也就记下了; 不写,以后可能就忘了.

My daily routine

(2008-09-19 11:49:02) 下一个

After jason started his grade one, we are so busy everyday.Take a look at my daily schedule.
From Monday to Friday:
6:45am: get up, take shower, dress up for work
7:00am: prepare lunch boxes for me and Jason. Check Jason’s bag and mine to make sure nothing is missed
7:15am: wake up Jason and get him dressed
7:25am: eat breakfast while continually asking Jason to finish his milk.
7:40am: Leave home with Jason to catch his school bus. After seeing him get on the bus, rush to bus stop to take my bus.
8:30am: in the office.
5:00pm: leave office.
5:40pm: pick up Jason at Jason’s school.
6:00pm: arrive home, happily see Janie, then play with two kids, check Jason’s agenda while waiting for the supper.
7:00pm: eat super.
7:30pm: Ask my husband bring Janie to upstairs, supervisor Jason to finish his homework in Chinese school and French school. During the time staying with Jason, I can hear Janie screaming and crying upstairs trying to come down. I feel sorry and guilty.
8:30pm: Two kids take bath and brush teeth, while I wash too.
9:00pm: lie down with them until they go into sleep.
9:30pm-10:00pm: If I’m still awake after they are in deep sleep, get up do something: searching internet, writing blog, paying bills, making phone calls to friends or other must do things; If I also fall sleep, continue sleep till morning.

Weekends are our most exhausted days.

morning: depends on how early the kids get up, if have time, go out buy grossary or other things. if no enough time to cook, eat outside.
12:20pm: leave home for Chinese school.
13:00pm-17:00pm: Chinese school. We either bring Janie to the school or stay with Janie at home while Jason is in Chinese school.


9:30am: Bring Jason and Janie to swimming courses.

11:00am: We usually arrange activities after this time. If there is nothing arranged (seldom), we go shopping for necessary stuff or do housework at home. I’d rather bring Janie outside, otherwise she sticks me all the time or probably ask me to hold her all the time.

 We suppose to cook more on the weekends, but always result in no time to cook and eat outside.

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