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納爾遜·曼德拉 (Nelson Mandela) 於1918年7月18日出生於南非特蘭斯凱(Transkei)。
1944年, 他在加入南非國民大會。由於他領導反種族隔離運動,最終於1962年8月被南非法院以密謀推翻政府等罪名將他定罪。
1990年,當時的南非總統德克勒克 (Frederik Willem de Klerk) 宣布無條件釋放曼德拉。 1993年, 曼德拉獲頒發諾貝爾和平獎。 1994年他成為南非第一任民選的總統。
曾著作: 「漫長自由路」 (Long Walk to Freedom) 及「與自己的對話」 (Conversations with Myself) 。
1918年 在南非東開普省出生
1944年 加入非洲人國民大會
1956年 被控叛國罪,但控罪不成立
1962年 被捕,以「煽動罪」同「非法出國」被判 五年徒刑
1964年 加控「陰謀暴力推翻政府」改判無期徒刑
1990年 從監獄獲釋
1993年 榮獲諾貝爾和平獎
1994年 當選第一任南非黑人總統
1999年 辭去南非總統一職
Nelson Mandela was born in Transkei, South Africa, on 18 July 1918.
He joined the African National congress in 1944 and was engaged in resistance against the ruling National Party’s apartheid policies for many years before being arrested in August 1962.
Mandela was incarcerated for over twenty-seven years, during which his reputation as a potent symbol of resistance to the anti-apartheid movement grew steadily.
Released from prison in 1990, Mandela won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 and was inaugurated as the first democratically elected president of South Africa in 1994.
He is the author of the international bestseller “Long Walk to Freedom” and “Conversations with Myself”.
Key Dates:
1918 Born in the Eastern Cape
1944 Joins African National Congress
1956 Charged with high treason, but charges dropped
1962 Arrested, convicted of sabotage, sentenced to five years in prison
1964 Charged again, sentenced to life
1990 Freed from prison
1993 Wins Nobel Peace Prize
1994 Elected first black president
1999 Steps down as leader