
Living in the now. And the best is yet to come.
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C 眼 看 花 之 美 国 (万 分 之 二 )

(2006-01-12 19:19:20) 下一个

一 来 二 去 就 长 大 了 些 。 知 道 了 美 国 人 虽 然 不 是 红 发 绿 眼 , 但 也 长 得 奇 形 怪 状 。他 们 还 不 讲 中 国 人 话 。 工 欲 善 其 事 只 好 学 英 语 。 记 得 刚 开 始 学 英 语 时 的 都 不 好 意 思 开 口 讲 - 怪 腔 怪调 的 。


(PS 现 在 电 视 上 正 在 演 Alexander - 嘻 嘻 看 到 了 Collin Farrell whole package ~)


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degree 回复 悄悄话 i am so sorry you lost all the stuff you typed. i wish i could read it. anyway, cheer up. it is a beautiful Saturday afternoon and i am enjoying every minute of this warm winter afternoon.
chic 回复 悄悄话 dear degree, i typed whole bunch and when i tried to post it, it's all lost. ughhhh.

anyway happy new year!
degree 回复 悄悄话 it will be a loss if you discontinue your blog. It is really interesting and it is hard to find a cultured person like you.
I found one advantage of going to gym is that I can immediately feel good the moment i finish exercise. second, i can stay in better shape and healthier and more energetic. in a word, lots of positive things. by the way, i got a book from Borders today called "Never Eat Alone." it talks about networking. as you might be in business world, it might be interesting to you.

Three days ago I am finally out of the blues I felt since the summer. I am determined to live a happy life, :) and follow your advice "refuse to recall."
Life is indeed too good to spend even a single moment to be blue ;).

I had a great holiday by giving a 2-day workshop. So I worked a lot this past holiday. Hope next holiday I can enjoy. Take care.
chic 回复 悄悄话 i am fascinated by languages but i dont think i write well. although i do benefit from being unabashed when it comes to blogging : )

truth be told the reason i didn't post too many lately is that i have been seriously contemplating giving up this blogging (or WXC) business - it took away from my living my life for real.

funny you should mention gym - i was thinking about it and had already picked one place that i wanted to go check out. i'll take your word as a sign that i should go do it asap. ; )

so how's everything going with you? hope you had a good holiday season! : )
degree 回复 悄悄话 I am impressed with both your Chinese and English. You have not posted a lot recently. Guess you must be busy. Do not get bored, go to gym or go out with a friend to eat some delicious food. Life is too good to let it pass by without us enjoying it fully.