郝 大 夫 坐 诊



(2008-07-09 20:24:12) 下一个



For stage I endometrial ca, post-operative treatment depends on grade of cancer and depth of tumor invasion into the muscle. In general, Ia (all grade) and Ib grade I do not need any treeatment. Ib and grade II-III, Ic grade I-II may need intra-cavitary brackytherapy (or internal treatment for 2-3 doses, depending on how they give it). For Ic and grade III, pelvic radiation is usually recommended because it decreases local recurrence (local relapse) but it does not increase patient survival that much. If there is worry about toxicity of external beam external radiation, she should at least get "internal radiation", which causes not noticeable side effects. Chemotherapy is not needed. In genral, her cure rate is very good.

By the way, when it is stage I (a, b, c), it means the cancer is still confined in the uterus, no lymph node involvement.

All current cancer therapy are now evidence-based medicine, in another word, the recommendation is based on the results of clinical trials. Those who told you no chemotherapy or radiation therapy apparently know nothing about cancer, and in my mind should stop giving opinion to people like you who need real answers.

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