[读者文摘 2007 三月号]
“当然是,”主任答道。 “那可是由你先起的头。”
[塞翁按]:这洋码字到东土神州方块字的翻译转换,的确是一门大学问。在洋文中,“起薪”用的是“starting salary”一词。而结尾的 “那可是由你先起的头”却是 “But you started it.” 这其中的奥妙与幽默,也只有读了洋码字本身才能体会得充分。
塞翁老矣,宝刀不再。 特抄录洋码全文如下望读者朋友斧正。
“What starting salary are you looking for?” the head of human resources asks the newly graduated engineer at the end of a job interview.
Going for it, the guy says, “Well, sir, I was thinking about $125,000, depending on the benefits package.”
“Okay,” the HR director says. “How about five weeks’ vacation, 14 paid holidays, full medical and dental, 100% company match for your 401(k) and a Porsche for your company car?”
The engineer gasps and says, “Wow! Are you kidding?”
“Yeah,” he replies. “But you started it.”
[读者文摘 2007 一月号]
The action movie had a spectacular scene where the bad guy blew up a convenience store. The building and the gas pumps in front were engulfed in a huge ball of fire. "Wow!" My husband gasped.
I was about to say, "That was a pretty impressive explosion," when he continued, "Did you see the price of regular? A dollar eighty-nine a gallon."