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5·1 子谓公冶长(1),“可妻也。虽在缧绁(2)之中,非其罪也。”以其子(3)(4)之。












When commenting on Gongye Chang, Confucius said: “Anyone can marry his daughter to this man. Although he was in jail, yet no one can put blame on him.” Therefore, Confucius married his daughter to him.



5·2 子谓南容(1),“邦有道(2),不废(3);邦无道,免于刑戮(4)。”以其兄之子妻之。












When commenting on Nan Rong, Confucius said: “During great order across the land, he will not get into trouble; while during disorder under heaven, he will not be put into jail.” And therefore, Confucius married his niece to Nan Rong.




5·3 子谓子贱(1),君子哉若人(2),鲁无君子者,斯焉取斯(3)。”











When commenting on Tzu Jian, Confucius said: “What a gentleman Tzu Jian is! If no gentlemen in the country Lu, then where did he learn this sort of noble morality?”




5·4 子贡问曰:“赐(1)也何如?”子曰:“女,器也。”曰:“何器也?”曰:“瑚琏(2)也。”



(1) : 就是子贡。姓端木,名赐,字子贡,又作子赣,亦称作卫赐,春秋末卫国人,孔子的著名弟子。







Tzu Gong asked Confucius: “What do you think of me?” Confucius said: “You’re just like a tool.” Tzu Gong asked: “What sort of tool?” Confucius said: “Hulian. (an ancient tool to contain food when offering sacrifices) ”




5·5 或曰:“雍(1)也仁而不佞(2)。”子曰:“焉用佞?御人以口给(3),屡憎于人,不知其仁(4)。焉用佞?”












Someone said: “Ran Yong is a noble-minded person but he’s not good at arguing.” Confucius said: “What’s the need to be good at arguing? If a person lives on arguing with a glib tongue, he will be detested by others. I don’t know whether he can be considered noble-minded person, but what’s the need to be eloquent?”



5·6 子使漆雕开(1)仕。对曰:“吾斯之未能信。”子说(2)










Confucius asked Qi Diaokai to seek official posts. Qi said: “I don’t have confidence in official posts.” Hearing this, Confucius was very happy.



5·7 子曰:“道不行,乘桴(1)浮于海,从(2)我者,其由(3)与!”子路闻之喜。子曰:“由也好勇过我,无所取材。”











Confucius said: “If what I advocate isn’t workable, I’ll go to the sea by raft. Maybe only Zhong You is willing to follow me.” Hearing this Tzu Lu was very delighted. But Confucius said: “Zhong You has nothing more to surpass me except for courage.”




5·8 孟武伯问:“子路仁乎?”子曰:“不知也。”又问。子曰:“由也,千乘之国,可使治其赋(1)也,不知其仁也。”“求也何如?”子曰:“求也,千室之邑(2),百乘之家(3),可使为之宰(4)也,不知其仁也。”“赤(5)也何如?”子曰:“赤也,束带立于朝(6),可使与宾客(7)言也,不知其仁也。”











【白话】 孟武伯问:“子路达到仁的标准了吗?”孔子说:“不知道。”又问。孔子说:“子路可以做大将,不知他仁否。”又问:“冉求怎样?”孔子说:“冉求可以当市长,不知他仁否。” “公西赤怎样?”孔子说:“公西赤可以当外长,不知他是仁否。”



Meng Wubo asked: “Is Tzu Lu up to the standards of humanity?” Confucius said: “I don’t know.” Meng Wubo asked again. The master said: “Zhong You can be a general. But I don’t know whether he is up to the standard of humanity.” “What do you think of Ran Qiu?” Confucius said: “Ran Qiu can be a mayor. But I don’t know whether he is up to the standard of humanity.” “What do you think of Gongxi Chi?” Confucius said: “Gongxi Chi can be a foreign minister. But I don’t know whether he is up to the standard of humanity.”




5·9 子谓子贡曰:“女与回也孰愈(1)?”对曰:“赐也何敢望回?回也闻一以知十(2),赐也闻一以知二(3)。”子曰:“弗如也。吾与(4)女弗如也。”












Confucius said to Tzu Gong: “You and Yan Hui, who is better?” Tuz Gong replied: “How dare I compare myself with Yan Hui? Yan Hui can know ten events on the basis of knowing one event. But I can know two events on the basis of knowing one event.” Confucius said: “You are not so good as Yan Hui. I agree with you. You are really not good as him.”



5·10 宰予昼寝,子曰:“朽木不可雕也,粪土(1)之墙不可杇(2)也,于予与何诛(3)!”子曰:“始吾于人也,听其言而信其行;今吾于人也,听其言而观其行。于予与(4)改是。”












Zai Yu sleeps in the day time. Confucius said: “Rotten wood can not be carved. Walls which are built with dirt can not white-washed. What’s the use to reproach him?” Confucius said: “At the beginning, I believed a person’s action after I heard his words. But now I’ll observe his action after I hear his words. The problem of Zai Yu made me change my way to observe people.”



5·11 子曰:“吾未见刚者。”或对曰:“申枨(1)。”子曰:“枨也欲,焉得刚?”









Confucius said: “I’ve never seen anyone firm and unyielding.”  Someone said: “Shen Cheng is firm and unyielding.” Confucius said: “Sheng Cheng has too many desires, how can he be firm and unyielding?”



5·12 子贡曰:“我不欲人之加诸我也,吾亦欲无加诸人。”子曰:“赐也,非尔所及也。”






Tzu Gong said: “I’m unwilling to be forced to do what I don’t want to. I’m also unwilling to force others to do what they don’t want to.” Confucius said: “Ci, this isn’t what you can do.”



5·13 子贡曰:“夫子之文章(1),可得而闻也;夫子之言性(2)与天道(3),不可得而闻也。”











Tzu Gong said: “What you teach in your articles can be grasped by listening, but the theories on human’s nature and heaven’s doctrines cannot be grasped by listening.”




5·14 子路有闻,未之能行,唯恐有闻。






Whenever Tzu Lu hears a theory but cannot put it into practice, he is afraid to hear any new ones.




5·15 子贡问曰:“孔文子(1)何以谓之文也?”子曰:“敏(2)而好学,不耻下问,是以谓之文也。”










Tzu Gong asked: “Why was Kong Wentzu given a posthumous title Wen?” Confucius said: “He was intelligent and diligent and did not consider it disgraceful to learn from persons in humble position.”





5·16 子谓子产(1)有君子之道四焉:“其行己也恭,其事上也敬,其养民也惠,其使民也义。”









When commenting on Tzu Chan, Confucius said that he had four noble characters: “He conducts himself sedately, serves his lord respectfully and cherishes people by bestowing favor.”




5·17 子曰:“晏平仲(1)善与人交,久而敬之(2)。”



(1)晏平仲:齐国的贤大夫,名婴。 “平”是他的谥号。







Confucius said: “Yan Pingzhong is good at making friends with others. Knowing each other as time goes on, he is respected by others.”




5·18 子曰:“臧文仲(1)居蔡(2),山节藻棁(3),何如其知也!”










Confucius said: “Zang Wenzhong built a temple with an arched roof and columns were painted with a design of water plants. And moreover, a big tortoise was hidden in the temple which was just like a shrine of the lord. How can he be considered wise?”



5·19 子张问曰:“令尹子文(1)三仕为令尹,无喜色;三已(2)之,无愠色。旧令尹之政,必以告新令尹。何如?”子曰:“忠矣。”曰:“仁矣乎?”曰:“未知。焉得仁?”“崔子(3)(4)齐君(5),陈子文(6)有马十乘,弃而违之,至于他邦,则曰:‘犹吾大夫崔子也。’违之。之一邦,则又曰:‘犹吾大夫崔子也。’违之,何如?子曰:“清矣。”曰:“仁矣乎?”曰:“未知,焉得仁?”
















Tzu Zhang asked: “Tzu Wen served as premier three times, but he was never happy, and he was dismissed from office three times, he never felt wronged. Moreover, before he was relieved of his office, he was very careful to handle the matter relating handing over and taking over. What do you think of it?” Confucius said: “Quite loyal.” Tzu Zhang asked again: “Can it be considered humanity?” Confucius replied: “I don’t know. It’s quite out of the question of humanity, isn’t it?” Tzu Zhang asked again: “Cui Tzu killed Qi Zhuanggong, Chen Wentzu abandoned his family property and ran away. Whenever getting into another country, he used to say: ‘The officials here are just the same as Cui Tzu.’ Again, he ran away. After getting into another country, he said once more: ‘The officials here are just the same as Cui Tzu.’ And then he ran way again. What do you think of it?” Confucius said: “He is really above politics and worldly interests.” Tzu Zhang asked: “Can it be considered humanity?” Confucius said: “I don’t know. It’s quite out of the question of humanity, isn’t it?”



5·20 季文子(1)三思而后行。子闻之,曰:“再,斯(2)可矣。”










Before doing anything, Ji Wentzu always thinks over it again and again. Learning this, Confucius said: “Think twice. That’s enough.”



5·21 子曰:“宁武子(1),邦有道则知,邦无道则愚(2),其知可及也,其愚不可及也。”










Confucius said: “You know Ji Wutzu. When the country is in great order, he seems very clever, while the country is in great disorder, he would pretend to be very stupid. As far as his cleverness is concerned, everyone can catch up with him, but as for his stupidity, no one can reach him.”




5·22 子在陈(1)曰:“归与!归与!吾党之小子(2)狂简(3),斐然(4)成章,不知所以裁(5)之。”










孔子在陈国说: “回去吧!回去吧!家乡的学生们志大才疏,不过文采扬扬,真不知该怎么指导他们。”



Confucius said in the country Chen: “Go back! Go back! The students in my hometown have great ambition but little talent. Yet their writings have rich and bright colors. I really don’t know how to guide them.”




5·23 子曰:“伯夷叔齐(1)不念旧恶(2),怨是用希(3)。” 











Confucius said: “Bo Yi and Shu Qi don’t bear grudges, so they are seldom hated by others.”



5·24 子曰:“孰谓微生高(1)直?或乞醯(2)焉,乞诸其邻而与之。”










Confucius said: “Who said Wei Shenggao is frank? Someone asked him for some vinegar, he didn’t say frankly that he had no and moreover he stealthily asked his neighbor for some and then gave it to that man.”



5·25 子曰:“巧言、令色、足恭(1),左丘明(2)耻之,丘亦耻之。匿怨而友其人,左丘明耻之,丘亦耻之。










Confucius said: “Saying honey words, putting on a false smile, nodding and bowing, Zuo Qiuming considers all these things shameful. So do I.  Making friends with others but harboring resentment at the same time, Zuo Qiuming considers it shameful. So do I.”



5·26 颜渊、季路侍(1)。子曰:“盍(2)各言尔志。”子路曰:“原车马,衣轻裘,与朋友共,敝之而无憾。”颜渊曰:“愿无伐(3)善,无施劳(4)。”子路曰:“愿闻子之志。”子曰:“老者安之,朋友信之,少者怀之(5)。”










颜渊、子路两人侍立在孔子身边。孔子说:“你们何不各自说说自己的志向?”子路说:“愿与朋友共同分享我的车马和皮袍,用坏了也不抱怨。”颜渊说: “但愿能做到不夸耀优点、不宣扬功劳。”子路说:“您的愿望呢?”孔子说:“但愿老人能享受安乐,少儿能得到关怀,朋友能够信任我。” 



With Yan Yuan and Tzu Lu standing by in attendance, Confucius said: “Why don’t you say something about your ideals?” Tzu Lu said: “I’d like to let my friends share my carriage, horse and fir coat. Even if all these are worn out, I don’t have any complains.” Yan Yuan said: “I’d like not to boast of my strong points, not to publicize my merits.” Tzu Lu said to Confucius: “I’d like to know your ideal.” Confucius said: “I’d like to see that the aged can enjoy ease and comfort, the young can get every concern, and friends have trust in me.”



5·27 子曰:“已矣乎!吾未见能见其过而内自讼者也。”






Confucius said: “Finished! I’ve never seen anyone who not only knows his own mistakes but also criticizes himself.”



5·28 子曰:“十室之邑,必有忠信如丘者焉,不如丘之好学也。”






Confucius said: “Even in a small village with only ten families, there are certainly someone like me who pays much attention to honesty.”

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