


(2008-01-05 21:57:54) 下一个

Hillary Clinton leans on “relic” Bill

WASHINGTON - In a presidential race where the Democratic candidates are competing as agents of change, Hillary Rodham Clinton 's most reliable campaign prop is something of a political relic — her husband.

华盛顿- 在一场总统竞选活动中,民主党候选人都在以改革推动者的姿态进行角逐,而希拉里最可靠的竞选靠山,大概就是一件政治遗存(不妨译成一位政治遗老)- 即她的丈夫。

The former president was at her side to help put the best face on her third-place finish Thursday in Iowa , and he was beside her again when dawn broke the next day on the final push to Tuesday's New Hampshire primary.

前总统就站在她身旁,以帮她为周四在爱荷华州仅仅屈居第三一事打圆场 ,第二天刚一破晓,他又站在她身旁,为参加周二在新罕布什尔州的初选做最后的加油打气。

"I was never more proud of Hillary in all the days we've been together and all the days of this campaign than when she gave that speech in Iowa ," the ex-president told New Hampshire voters.

前总统对新罕布什尔州的选民说:“ 和希拉里在一起的所有日子里,以及在这次竞选的所有日子里,我都为她感到自豪,但是当她在爱荷华州发表演说的时候,这种自豪是前所未有的。”

No loyal spouse would say any less.


But with Bill Clinton , it's a far more complicated dynamic than simply that of the supportive husband.


He is at once a huge part of her political bona fides and a living reminder of days gone by.


The old days aren't necessarily a bad thing to Democratic primary voters — the former president has attracted large and enthusiastic crowds as he campaigns for his wife.

昔日对于民主党初选的选民来说并不一定就是坏事 - 这位前总统在为爱妻助选时已经吸引大批热情高涨的民众。

"It's hard to detect any signs of Clinton fatigue in a Democratic primary," said Democratic strategist Donna Brazile.


But, by the same token, the profile of Bill Clinton isn't necessarily an ideal backdrop for a campaign in which change is emerging as the coin of the realm and Hillary Clinton is swapping slogans by the week.



the coin of the realm:这个词组有点麻烦。从字面看,就是“这一领域的硬币”。这里指的是竞选的领域,而硬币的含义则是说像硬币式的东西。意思是说,硬币已经定型,因而无法改变,而如果变化是以硬币形式出现,那就等于没有变化,套一句不太恰当的话,就是“换汤不换药”。之所以如此,就是因为有克林顿的影响。

Senator Clinton needs to make this campaign about her vision, her plans and her strengths," says Brazile. The candidate's husband, meanwhile, tends to ramble on about himself.

布拉希尔说:“ 克林顿议员需要在这次竞选活动中表现出她自己的远见、计划以及力量” 。但就在这同时,这位候选人的先生却有喋喋不休自夸的倾向。

A survey of Democratic caucus-goers in Iowa found that by a margin of 52 percent to 20 percent, more Democrats said they wanted a candidate who could bring about change than said they were seeking a candidate with the proper experience.And Barack Obama , who won decisively in Iowa, was the overwhelming winner among voters looking for change — he got 51 percent of their votes, compared with 19 percent for Clinton.

对爱荷华州民主党党团人士进行的一项调查发现,52 %的民主党人都说,他们想要一个能够给他们带来变化的候选人,只有20%的民主党人说他们正在寻找一名具有适当经验的候选人。 而在爱荷华州获得决胜的巴拉克-奥巴马 ,在寻求变化的选民中则堪称占尽风头的领军式优胜者 - 他获得51%的选票,相比之下,希拉里-克林顿只获得19%。

Clinton tries to meld two qualities — change and experience — by offering herself as a president "who won't just call for change, or a president who won't just demand change, but a president who will produce change, just like I've been doing for 35 years.

希拉里-克林顿试图将两种素质融为一体- 变化和经验 – 她的做法是将自己标榜成一位“不只是呼吁变化,或不只是要求变化的总统,而是一位催生变化的总统,就像我过去35年所一直做的那样。”

For all of that, though, "in some ways her campaign is based on nostalgia, which is not very often a good theme to orchestrate in a political campaign," said Rutgers political scientist Ross Baker. "In a sense that's what Bob Dole was doing in 1996 when he ran against Bill Clinton and evoked the Greatest Generation. It was Fleetwood Mac vs. the Andrews Sisters ."

有鉴于此,拉特格斯学院政治学家罗斯-贝克表示,虽然“在某些方面她的竞选只是基于怀旧,而在一场政治活动中,这通常并非是一个件容易把握的事情。但在某种意义上讲,1996年多尔在与比尔-克林顿角逐,唤醒最伟大一代的时候就着这样做的。那是Fleetwood Mac乐队与安德鲁斯姐妹乐组的对决。”

Fleetwood Mac是白宫特邀嘉宾乐队,更是美国前总统克林顿的至爱。该乐队成立于60年代末,乐队风格几经变革,最终创造出一种成熟而富有感情的软摇滚音乐风格,专辑《RUMOURS》在美国至尽销售超过一千七百万张,成为历史上排名第二的卖得最多的乐队专辑。乐队于1993年入主摇滚名人堂,成为名垂乐史的摇滚乐队,对80年代之后的流行乐坛岁具有十分广泛的影响。他们的经典歌曲被无数大牌艺人无数次的翻唱。很多国际当红歌手成名后,都在不同的场合承认该乐队的音乐对他们的影响是具有启迪性和意义深远。而安德鲁斯姐妹,则是美国极富盛名的流行音乐女声乐组。

Back then, Bill Clinton was the one casting himself as the agent of change; his campaign song had Fleetwood Mac urging voters, "Don't stop thinking about tomorrow.

当年,比尔-克林顿就是一个将自己打造成变化动因的人;他的竞选歌曲就包括Fleetwood Mac 的歌曲,对选民敦促道:“不要停止思考明天。”

Now the song is largely passe.


Not only does Hillary Clinton have to carefully navigate the change factor as she deploys her husband on the campaign trail, she must deal with the charisma factor as well.


He's just hands-down the better campaigner.


"When people see him and her together, she suffers by comparison even if he says nothing," says Baker. "One of the things that the Iowa caucuses demonstrated is that the DNA of political genius is not easily spliced into someone else's genetics."


Campaigning for his wife on Friday in New Hampshire , Clinton got the inevitable questions about what his role would be in a second Clinton White House , and easily fielded one about how they would resolve disagreements.

周五在新罕布什尔州为他妻子竞选组织的活动中,克林顿已经被问及那个无法回避的问题,即,他如果将来能二度入主白宫时的作用 ,而与此同时,克林顿已经游刃有余地圆满回答一个关于他们将如何化解分歧的问题。

"One of us would not be thinking if we never disagreed," he said to laughter. "There is only one president."


Sen. Joe Biden , whose own presidential bid never really caught fire and came to an end in Iowa , took on the Bill Clinton factor more directly than any of the other Democratic candidates have thus far. Biden predicted that the former president would cast a huge shadow if his wife were elected, "a dominant and powerful and positive" force in her presidency.

参议员乔-拜登 ,其自身角逐2008总统的企图在爱荷华州根本就没有真正起火就自生自灭了,他在应对比尔-克林顿的影响因素时,比对其他任何民主党候选人至今所产生的影响因素应对得都更加直接。拜登预测说,前总统的妻子如果当选,他将为之投下巨大的阴影,不过那在她的总统生涯中倒是“一种主导性的、强大而积极的”力量。

Biden also gave a nod to the negative connotations attached to Bill Clinton, saying, "There's a lot of very good things that come with all the great things that President Clinton did, but there's also a lot of the old stuff that comes back. When I say old stuff, I'm referring to policy ... policy"

不过拜登也点头示意,为比尔-克林顿添加了消极的内涵。他说:“有很多很好的东西,都伴随着克林顿总统所做的所有那些大事而应运而生,但也有大量陈旧的东西死灰复燃。我在说陈旧的东西时,指的是政策… …政策。”

Hillary Rodham Clinton can only hope that it's only the "great stuff" that Democratic voters hark back to.

希拉里-R- 克林顿只能希望这只是民主党选民所回头追溯的一种“伟大的东西。”

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