


(2008-01-10 09:44:23) 下一个


ON DEADLINE: Comeback kids create chaos
By RON FOURNIER, Associated Press Writer Tue Jan 8, 11:56 PM ET


WASHINGTON - In the land of comebacks, Sen.Hillary Rodham Clinton and John McCain revived their sagging campaigns Tuesday night and catapulted the Democratic and Republican presidential races into a surprise state of chaos.

华盛顿 - 在一片卷土重来之地,参议员希拉里 和麦凯恩在周二晚低靡的选战中终尝夙愿,苦战复苏,从而使民主共和两党总统选战幡然逆转,惊天大乱。

Neither could afford to lose New Hampshire . Suddenly, the fallen front-runners look like winners again.

两位都输不起新罕一战 。忽如一夜春风来,捉襟见肘的先驱者们俨然以赢家的姿态胜出。

Clinton defied campaign-closing polls and the expectations of her own advisers to pull out a narrow victory over Illinois Sen. Barack Obama , the self-styled agent of change bidding to be the nation's first black president. She won with a last-minute show of emotion and pointed criticism of Obama, the harshest attacks coming from her husband, Bill. .

克林顿罔顾选战终极民调结果及自己顾问的预期,终于杀出一条血路,险胜伊州 参议员巴拉克-奥巴马 ,即那位矢言要成为美国首位黑人总统的自封求变代言人。她以最终时刻的感情秀、对奥巴马犀利的抨击、以及来自其夫婿比尔猛烈的炮轰而获胜。

In 1992, Bill Clinton dubbed himself "the Comeback Kid" after finishing a surprising second in New Hampshire.

在1992年, 比尔克林顿在新罕州出人意料地屈居第二之后,戏称自己是“凯旋仔”。

McCain claimed the title Tuesday night after riding a wave of support from independent voters to defeat Mitt Romney .


"My friends, I'm past the age when I can claim the noun 'kid,' no matter what adjective proceeds it, but tonight we sure showed them what a comeback looks like," he told supporters as they shouted, "Mac is back!"

支持者高喊: “马凯回来了!”他告诉他们: “我的朋友们哪,我现在已经超过可以称之为“仔”的年龄, 不管在它前面添加什么样的形容词,不过今天晚上我们肯定已经令他们大饱眼福,让他们也见识见识什么才叫卷土重来。”

Celebrating her stunning upset, Clinton told supporters, "Let's give America the kind of comeback New Hampshire has just given me."

为了庆祝她这次令人大跌眼镜的咸鱼翻身,希拉里-克林顿对支持者说, "让我们使全美都像我在新罕州这样东山再起。”

Clinton and McCain started out as presumptive favorites. Both lost their luster — Clinton with her crushing loss to Obama in Iowa last week and McCain with the near-collapse of his campaign last summer.

克林顿和麦凯恩开始时都是被看好的宠儿。然而两人都被搞得灰头土脸 – 希拉里-克林顿上周在爱荷华州被奥巴马击败,而麦凯恩在去年夏季的竞选活动中则几近崩溃。

And now they're back, almost on top, in the wildest and most unpredictable presidential race of a lifetime.


Against predictions of a second straight defeat to Obama, Clinton won because• Women rallied to her side. • She won the female vote by more than 10 percentage points, according to exit polls, after losing among women in Iowa.

与二次败给奥巴马的预言相反,希拉里- 克林顿却旗开得胜,因为: “ 妇女团结在她身旁”。根据出口民调,她在爱荷华州虽然身处妇女之中,但却铩羽而归,不过此后她却以超过10个百分点的佳绩赢得得了妇女选票。

注释:出口民调 ,是民意调查中的一种,在选民投票后退出投票站出口时进行的,所以才叫“出口民调”。它不象那种只是征求意见式的民调,此类民调调查的是具体的投票情况。

• The youth vote did not lift Obama as it did in Iowa. • He won 51 percent of votes cast by people under 30, compared with 57 percent in Iowa.

“年轻选民没有像在爱荷华州那样支持奥巴马。”同样也是在30岁以下的选民中,他在爱荷华州赢得57 %的选票,而这次他却仅赢得51%的选票。

• Clinton somehow stalled Obama's momentum. • Nearly four of every 10 voters selected a candidate in the last three days of the campaign, splitting their votes between Obama and Clinton.

“希拉里- 克林顿或多或少给了奥巴马一个下马威。”每10名选民在选战的
在选战的最后三天里,每10名选民中就有近4名要选出一名(共同的)候选人,从而将选票分散在奥巴马和希拉里- 克林顿之间。

Exit polls don't pinpoint why these three things happened, but there are several possibilities.


First, New Hampshire has a history of putting the brakes on surging candidacies, and the Clintons spoke to that sense of prudence by suggesting that Obama was not ready for the White House.


They urged New Hampshire to give the nation a chance to give Obama a second look.


"Some of us are ready," Hillary Clinton said on the eve of the primary, "and some of us are not." She even dusted off a line Walter Mondale used against Gary Hart 24 years ago: "Where's the beef?"

"我们当中有些人已作好准备,“希拉里在初选当晚说,“我们当中有些人还没有做好准备。”她甚至重提24年前沃尔特 - 蒙代尔用来对付加里 - 哈特时所采取的路线,并引用那句经典名言:“牛肉在哪里?”

此外,dusted off,作“重新提起”解。可参考新英汉词典的例句:(俚)dust’em off:话旧;重理旧业。

Second, the Clintons went negative on Obama's record to say he has not been consistent on a host of issues, including the Iraq war. Obama constantly trumpets his early opposition to the war without informing voters that, like Clinton, he later voted to pay for it.

其次,克林顿夫妇还极力揭奥巴马记录的老底,指责他在包括伊拉克战争在内的一系列问题上没有一致的立场。奥巴马总是不断鼓吹标榜自己早期的反战立场,但他却没有告诉选民,其实他和希拉里- 克林顿一样,后来却投票赞同为伊战拨款。

"There's no difference in your voting record and Hillary's ever since," Bill Clinton said of Obama. "Give me a break! This whole thing is the biggest fairy tale I've ever seen."


这段话翻译得比较活。我没有死板地按照原文字对字地译。我只是设身处地地把自己放到克林顿当时的位置上,揣摩他的心态,按照自己口语的语体译的。可能有点离谱。Give me a break! 不太好译。如果把break当成“突破”解,那就说,让奥巴马对他的立场变化给一个突破性的解释。如果把break当“停止”解,那就是让奥巴马立即停止自吹自擂。我倾向于后者。说白了,自吹自擂不就是忽悠人吗?biggest fairy tale,故事说大,不符合汉语习惯,说长还可以,但这只局限于长度,没有涉及到内容多少和好坏。我看还不如说“邪乎”比较好。此外,“海啦”,就是“多啦”,是形容多的口语说法。

Third, aides had urged her to show more passion and emotion, and, coincidentally or not, she did so by nearly breaking down during a restaurant appearance. Eyes welling up and voice quavering, she declared the campaign "is very personal for me. It's not just political."

第三,幕僚曾告诫她要表现出更多的热情和激情,无论是不是巧合,反正她在一间餐厅露面时的确是这样做了,看她当时(可怜巴巴)的表现,简直就要崩溃了。 她满眼含泪,声音颤抖地宣称竞选“对我来说,是很个人的事情。它不只是政治。”

But make no mistake: The moment was a political masterstroke. "I listened to you," Clinton told supporters Tuesday night, "and in the process I found my own voice."

但不要搞错:那个时刻却恰恰是政治色彩颇浓的精彩一笔。 “我对你们是言听计从,”她在周二晚告诉她的支持者。“在整个过程中,我就是用自己的那种声音说话的 。 ”

I found my own voice,用自己的声音表达。可参考新英汉词典例句:find voice in song,用歌声来表达。

Finally, Obama and fellow Democrat John Edwards joined forces in a Saturday debate to portray Clinton as a hostage of the status quo. They scored debate points, but Clinton may have won voters' sympathy.

最后,奥巴马及其民主党总统候选人同仁约翰爱德华兹,联手在周六的一个次辩论中,都把希拉里-克林顿描绘成一名人质。他们辩论的确已经得分,但希拉里 - 克林顿却有可能因此而赢得了选民的同情。

She showed a soft and self-deprecating side known only to friends when asked what she could say to voters who don't find her likable enough.

这句话因为后半截包含三个从句而变得相当难译:1。以when 引领的表时间的状语从句;2。以what 引领的宾语从句; 3。以who 引领的定语从句。因此,如果想一气呵成地翻译成一句话,势必肚子显得大一些,就像上述的翻译那样,但如果读起来感觉很累,不妨拆开来译,当然那会显得啰嗦零散一些。不过二者很难兼顾。拆开来译就会是这样:而她只是在朋友们问到她该如果答复一些选民时才会显示这一面,而这些选民觉得她不够可爱。

"Well, that hurts my feelings," she said with a flirty smile, "but I'll try to go on."

“哎,那很伤我的感情,”她嫣然一笑地说,“但我会尽量这样做下去。 ”

flirty smile,这对希拉里来说,是一种心情十分复杂的笑容。从字面讲,flirty,具有调情色彩或卖弄色彩,这两种笑都含贬义。而希拉里这里的笑容当然没有这两种意思。但也不是那种非常正常的开心之笑,说不好听一点,由于她是在做秀,因此难免带有哗众取宠的色彩,可又不宜深说,否则就会有损于她的形象。在这种左右为难的情况下,我觉得“嫣然一笑”似乎尚属差强人意,多少能比较真实而生动地传达希拉里彼时彼刻的心情,因为“嫣然”的笑容,虽然是褒义,但在某些特定情况下,也不妨为之赋予一丝贬义。另外一种译法,则是简单干脆,而且意思完全不同,那就是“苦笑”。 不过“苦笑”的确切译法是“wry smile”或“bitter smile”。

Thanks to New Hampshire , she and McCain can go on.

由于有新罕州这一战 ,她和麦凯恩才能继续走下去。

The Democratic race moves to Nevada and South Carolina , two states that looked solidly Obama until Tuesday night.

民主党选战接下来就要转向内华达州和南卡罗来纳州 ,这两个州在周二夜晚以前,都曾看好奥巴马。

The Republican race moves to Michigan , where McCain is strong, and South Carolina, a hotbed of social conservatives that destroyed his campaign in 2000. Waiting for him will be the winner of the Iowa GOP caucuses, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee .

共和党选战则将移师密歇根州和南卡罗来纳州,前者支持麦凯恩的势力强劲,而后者则是在2000年选战中置他于死地的社会保守势力的温床。在那里等着与他较量的将会是那位在爱荷华州共和党党团的大赢家,即前阿肯色州州长迈克- 哈克比 。

By keeping McCain and Clinton afloat, New Hampshire ensured that both races will continue at least until Feb. 5, when voters in two dozen states will get their chance to end the chaos.

新罕州使麦凯恩与希拉里- 克林顿之争得以维持,从而确保双方选战将至少会持续到二月五日,而那时,二十多个州的选民将会趁机结束这场惊天大乱。

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