
海外存知己,天涯若比邻. 我们的共同爱好让我们聚在一起,让我们以食为庆吧!
suezi-q (热门博主)
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烤蔬菜与幼羽衣甘蓝和烤鸡肉沙拉 - roast vegetables with baby kale and chicken sa

(2015-06-10 12:47:49) 下一个

 photo 06082015 070_nEO_IMG_zpstetnjyoq.jpg  photo 06082015 085_nEO_IMG_zpsc9gpw6iy.jpg  photo 06082015 080_nEO_IMG_zpstfybnwfd.jpg  photo 06082015 073_nEO_IMG_zpslitaptb0.jpg  photo 06082015 063_nEO_IMG_zps1rli1w7q.jpg  photo roasted veggi salad_nEO_IMG_zpsrhouniwy.jpg  photo roasted veggi_nEO_IMG_zpsweowqigx.jpg 还烤了:  photo roasted corn_nEO_IMG_zpsklqzmtin.jpg

My husband and I both love roasted vegetables. Here vegetables are much bigger sizes than what I used to know back in China. I figured it is because the vegetables grow much faster and are plumped up with water, therefore, the flavors are diluted. Once I roast them and the flavors are concentrated, you can actually taste the vegetables in their own unique sweetness.

I just simply season the vegetables with salt, pepper and extra virgin olive oil, and sometimes add some fresh or dried herbs. Spread them on baking sheets in one layer, roast them in high temperature oven until soft and caramelized.

Today, I have eggplant, zucchini, sweet onion, garlic and beets. Love, love roasted beets!

You can roast a big batch of all sorts of vegetables and use them later for many different things, for side dish, salad, antipasto, sandwich, pasta, etc.

Here I made roast vegetables with baby kale and roasted chicken salad

My husband said, he can become a vegetarian just eating these. I said as long as you do not become a monk, I am ok with that.

PS: I decided to keep the English version in the post after I translate them in Chinese.

我丈夫和我都喜欢吃烤的蔬菜。这里的蔬菜尺寸比我以前中国吃的都大很多。我想这是因为蔬菜生长得很快,都是充满了水份,因此淡而无味。如果烘烤他们, 把水份排掉, 味道就比较集中,这样你就可以品尝到蔬菜自己独特的甜味。


今天,我有茄子,西葫芦,甜洋葱, 大蒜和甜菜头。大爱烤甜菜头!



我丈夫说,他可以成为一个素食者只要有这些烤蔬菜吃。我说只要你不出家做和尚, 我没意见。
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