长周末小聚会 -
刚看了电影 “the hundred foot journey”, 就请我家的一帮白老鼠来做实验,
天气太热, 做得很忙乱, 见笑了.
主食: 法式红酒炖牛肉 - Beef Bourguignon
初榨橄榄油, Extra Virgin Olive Oil,
½ 磅咸肉片,Bacon, 切条
8磅牛肉,Beef Chuck, 切大方块,
1小罐番茄膏, tomato paste,
½ 杯面粉
1瓶红葡萄酒Red wine (I used Pinot Noir)
1 QT 牛肉汤Beef broth,
香草束(新鲜的迷迭香Rosemary, 百里香Thyme, 香叶Bay leaves, 绑在一起)
6 个Carrots, 胡萝卜, 切片, 炒金黄,
2磅白蘑菇,White mushroom, 切碎, 用蒜炒干爽,
2袋冻珍珠洋葱Frozen Pearl Onion, 炒金黄,
1 tsp糖
- 加热可进烤箱的重铁锅 , 倒入橄榄油, 咸肉慢慢煎香出油, 取出, 留油,
- 牛肉擦干, 撒盐, 黑胡椒, 分批煎金黄, 取出
- 放番茄膏, 面粉, 炒熟,
- 倒入红酒, 牛高汤, 把锅底的焦渣刮松, 烧沸滚, 加入牛肉, 咸肉, 香料束, 再烧滚, 盖盖,
- 进300F烤箱底层焖烤4小时,
- 加胡萝卜, 白蘑菇, 小洋葱, 到牛肉锅里, 盖好再焖烤1小时,
- 烤箱取出放炉头上, 取出香料束, 撇掉浮油, 用盐, 黑胡椒, 一点糖调味, 撒入欧芹碎.
以前做过的: http://blog.wenxuecity.com/myblog/27022/201006/7818.html

Serve with mashed potatoes:

My son’s plate

炖蔬菜 - Ratatouille
洋葱, 蒜, 西胡芦瓜, 彩甜椒, 茄子, 番茄, 切小后中火用初榨橄榄油炒软,
加入香料束(迷迭香rosemary, 月桂叶bay leaves和百里香thyme), 盐, 胡椒, 改小火, 盖盖,
焖煮约20分钟, 最后拌入罗勒碎(basil), 欧芹 (parsley)和淋点初榨橄榄油,

With rice:

三文鱼酱饼 - Salmon Terrine:
3 can salmon
3 eggs
1 cup heavy cream
1 tsp dill
1 tsp salt
1 tsp pepper
2 tsp chicken bouillon
Mix everything, pour into baking dish and bake in the 375F oven for 40 minute with lid and 5 minute without lid. Chill in refrigerator and serve with baguette

Baked Brie cheese wrapped in pie crust with strawberry jam:


Herb Flat Bread:

甜点: 成品没拍照
Peach jelly topped crème brulee: