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suezi-q (热门博主)
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(2010-06-25 17:17:53) 下一个

近来对做面包比较投入, 做菜就没有长进, 但还是记录了一下做的菜, 把它们清理一下来报个流水帐, 看累了就歇下来, 反正没什么新花样.


用朋友送的自家晒的霉干菜做的, 真好吃!

肉开水汆过, 霉菜泡水洗过.

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用高压锅来烧的, 爆肉和炒菜是用了”browning”挡, 然后加了酒和水就用高压来压了25分钟, 最后又开锅用了”browning”挡来收汁,

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5个蛋打匀, 加一罐鸡汤(约两杯,14OZ), 1TB 米酒, 1/2小勺盐和1小勺糖, 上面放香肠,咸蛋, 摆好,冷水上蒸锅, 中火蒸约20-25分钟.

台湾红肠, 咸蛋,

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胜瓜就是那种有棱角皮的丝瓜, 像丝瓜,茄子,在加热时, 有冷空气的部分就会发黑, 我就把锅烧到很热,下一点油也加热, 大火, 把丝瓜到入, 马上盖上,就隔断了冷空气来源,热汽把菜都包住了,

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吃不腻, 卖相差点.

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加了虾皮, 红萝卜丝,

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用了鸡汤, 菜干

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海鲜酱, 豆瓣酱, 辣豆瓣酱, 糖, 酒, 胡椒, 香油,


里脊肉切丁, 用酒, 盐, 生抽, 胡椒, 淀粉, 马味,

鸡杂, 切丁,

红洋葱丁, 辣椒丁,

黄瓜丁, 豆干丁, 红椒丁, 毛豆, 虾米, 香菇丁, 马蹄丁, 榨菜丁, 胡萝卜丁,

热油锅先炒肉丁断生, 取出,

下鸡杂丁炒干水, 取出

再一一分别炒香,香菇, 虾米, 豆干, 胡萝卜, 红椒丁, 毛豆, 马蹄丁,榨菜丁, 黄瓜丁

爆香洋葱丁, 辣椒丁, 加海鲜酱, 豆瓣酱, 辣豆瓣酱, 糖, 炒香, 加全部其它料, 淋料酒, 翻炒匀, 淋麻油, 就好啦, 下饭, 拌面, 带便当, 很棒, 一次多做点.

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花椒, 盐, 各三大勺, 炒热后摸在鸡的里里外外, 放塑料带,进冰箱过夜, 第二天用冷水冲净盐和花椒, 可以蒸熟约30分钟, 我这次是放入一锅开水里, 让水再滚开, 就关火,留在水里浸泡, 水冷却后, 用刀叉入腿部,没血水出来, 就好了, 如有血水,就开火再烧滚, 马上又关火, 取出, 晾凉, 切块. 我是用的土鸡,小点, 大鸡要时间长点

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小鸡切块,用酒,酱油,糖,姜片,葱段, 腌一下, 用油爆炒干, 加熟的板栗, 冰糖, 八角, 葱姜, 酒, 酱油, 焖熟,就好了.

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油菜两吃, 叶子, 梗子分开炒,
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今天就到这里吧, 饿了, 累了就躺下歇着.


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suezi-q 回复 悄悄话 回复ycy101的评论:
I use salad spinner to shake off the excess water for my leafy veggies, so when I cook them, my wok will not loose the heat by adding the wet veggies in, also the dish will not be too watery. I am not sure what type of salad spinner you have, just try to get rid of the water from your veggies as much as you can.

Try the method I used for cooking my 姜丝虾米炒胜瓜,
it seems worked for me to keep the color green.

Good luck and happy cooking!
ycy101 回复 悄悄话 Thank you very very much. No wonder it is great!

How long will it take to 'use the salad spinner to dry the veggie'?

Why the color of 蒜炒空心菜叶 will change after out of wok? I can not prepare all dishes at the same time.
suezi-q 回复 悄悄话 回复ycy101的评论:
蒜炒空心菜叶: heat the wok hot, add pure olive oil(not EV, from Costco, I use it a lot), then add chopped garlic, saute a little, add the veggie(make sure to use the salad spinner to dry the veggie before adding to your hot wok, so it will not have too much water), cover for one minute to trap the steam in the wok, season with a little salt, sugar,and sesame oil.

姜炒芥兰, same as the蒜炒空心菜叶, instead of garlice I used ginger.

You can put a lid over the wok when cooking veggies, it actually speed the cooking time, because you also saved the hot steam. But once you open the lid, do not recover it, it will make the veggie turn brown.

番茄炒蛋,I peeled the skin off the tomatoes this time.

I added a little cornstarch water and salt to my eggs or sometime I add a little milk, so the egg is smooth and silky, and beat a little longer to get better volume, also heat the wok very hot, add oil, then pour the egg mixture, when the egg is getting firm,take it out, then heat up the wok again, stir fry some chopped green onion, add tomatoes, and stir fry until soft, add back the eggs, and add a mixture of cornstarch water with 1 TB of ketchup, sugar, salt, white peppercorn powder, sesame oil.

ycy101 回复 悄悄话 Can you tell me what is the details to stir fry the vegetable
(蒜炒空心菜叶,姜炒芥兰,清炒菠菜) and 番茄炒蛋? It is very basic questions, I would like to learn from you. Thank you.

It looks good! I'm sure it taste great!