近来还热情高涨地在鼓捣我的面包, 下决心来养酸面包母面, 用Peter Reinhart的方法, 用菠萝汁和dark rye flour开始, 过程很慢长, 但并不难, 前四天, 每24 小时喂一次新面和水, 同时取出一半不要, 我都是在晚上9点来做这步, Peter 叫它 seed culture, 第五天加比较多的面, 做成硬点的面团, 再发酵24小时, 这个面就是母面团, 他叫它Barm, (Mother dough), 就可以用来直接发面了, 不用酵母粉了, 用的是这个wild yeast, 而且味道很好吃, 这个面团可一直养下去, 很多面包房里的母面都有上百年了, 他们做出来的面包就是好吃.
免揉酸面包, no knead sourdough bread
做这个的过程要扔掉一部分没完成的种子, 到后来两天, 面团已经很有活力但不是很酸, 我就找了个方子来试做一个免揉的面包, 心想万一不成也没费力气, 结果是很简单的方法, 味道还真是不错, 有点酸味呢.
找道了这个面包网点: www.breadtopia.com很有帮助, 他的方法很简单就能吃到好吃的面包.
16 OZ高筋面粉,
1 ¼ tsp 盐,
1 ½ C 纯净水, filtered water
¼ C sourdough starter (可用 ¼ tsp instant dry yeast 代替)
把材料全部放盘里和匀, 拟成团, 用食品朔料袋套装好, 放室温里 18-20 小时,
第二天, 拿出来放在洒了面粉的案板上, 用手指粘点面粉, 把面团摊平, 再轻叠起来, 做成你要的型, 放入发面的盘里, 1.5 到2小时后,
烤箱里放一个带盖的耐高温的容器, 预热到500F, 把面团反扣在烤纸上, 再用烤纸拎起面团轻放入容器里, 盖好, 烤30分钟, 再打开盖, 温度调低到 450F再烤10分钟, 表面金黄, 内部温度200F, 就可取出, 放烤架上冷却.

现在主食反而成了副食, 随便做了个汤来配面包吃就吃了晚饭了.
2TB 黄油,
2TB 面粉,
2TB brown sugar,红糖,
2个罐头番茄, 沥干, 汁留用,
½ C 鲜奶油, heavy cream,
罗勒叶, basil
黄油炒香洋葱, 加番茄膏,红糖, 炒香, 加面粉炒熟, 加碎番茄, 炒热, 加鸡汤 , 番茄汁, 烧滚,
打成糊, 倒入鲜奶油, 胡椒, 盐调味,


母面团做好了, 马上用Peter 的酸面包方子来做了,

以前做过的, 材料有点不同, 就不重复了:
5 slices of bacon,
1 red onion chopped
2 carrots, peeled and diced
4-5 cloves of garlic, chopped
1/2 cup of flour
bay leaves
2 LB red potatoes peeled and diced
48 oz clam juice
2 cans of minced clams
1 cup heavy cream
salt & pepper to taste

From Peter's bread making tools checklist:

还有很多烤盘,烤模, 我就不贴啦,



Make sourdough starter:
day 1, mix 1 cup of dark rye flour with 1/2 cup of juice for 24 hours in room temp.
day 2, add 1/2 cup of bread flour and 1/4 cup of juice mix well and for 24 hours in room temp.
day 3, discard 1/2 of the dough, then, add 1 cup of bread four and 1/2 cup of water, for 24 hours.
day 4, ready to use the starter, if not active enough, you can discard half of the starter, then add 1 cup of bread flour and 1/2 c water wait for 12 hours or more to see if the starter has bubbles.
This is to make the "seed culture", to make the "barm", you will need to mix:
3 1/2 c bread flour,
2 cup of water,
1 cup of the seed culture.
It seems like a lot of work, but each day it only takes about 5 min to work on it. Then after this, each time you use some of the starter, just add the equal amount of flour and water to feed the starter, you will have this forever. You can use this to make Chinese steamed bun too.
The flavor is much better than quick yeast dough bread.