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suezi-q (热门博主)
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整理了一些意面请大家品尝,Challah bread and homemade ice cream

(2009-06-29 21:17:43) 下一个

回来了, 整理了一些意面请大家品尝, 好累就没有全部用中文, 希望大家喜欢.


Costco买的伺养的活蛤蜊 (Manila clams), 洗净, 沥干,

洋葱, 大蒜, 家种的西红柿(底部画十字, 进开水烫几分钟, 进冰水, 脱皮,切碎), 欧芹 切碎, 啤酒一瓶,

黄油1条, 烧化, 下洋葱, 大蒜炒香, 下西红柿炒软, 下啤酒烧滚, 下蛤蜊, 盖盖, 两分钟,开盖, 蛤蜊开口, 下欧芹, 盐, 胡椒, 拌匀, 关火, 连汁一起盖在煮熟的面上, 淋橄榄油,洒现磨的胡椒.

没开口的蛤蜊要扔掉, 坏了的.

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-Sweet Italian sausage, remove casing and break up into small pieces,

-Red onion, carrots, celery, bell pepper - dice them small

-Heat up a pan very hot, add little olive oil and brown the sausage,

-Add fennel seeds, hot pepper flakes, dried oregano, black pepper, cook until fraquent,

- Add onion cook until soft; add carrots, cook until soft; add bell pepper and celery, cook until soft,

-Add ¼ cup of dry white wine, 1 can of diced tomatoes and two cans of tomato sauce

- Simmer for 40 minutes, add salt and pepper, parm cheese, little butter, stir in chopped fresh basil and oregano.

- cook the pasta until al dente

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Sprinkle Parm cheese, olive oil, black pepper, fresh oregano,

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橄榄油和黄油炒香蒜末,洋葱碎, 加白酒, 蛤蜊高汤, 煮滚,

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加番茄 (本来想用罐头的),和番茄酱, 罗勒叶 (basil), 辣椒粉,

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加蛤蜊肉, 加煮到7成熟的面, 拌匀煮滚,
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洒欧芹, 淋橄榄油,洒胡椒

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橄榄油炒香蒜末,洋葱碎, 加熟香肠炒出油, 加甜椒炒软, 加黑橄, 切半的小番茄炒, 盐, 胡椒,和煮熟的面, 拌炒匀, 撒罗勒叶, 气司削,

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Spaghetti meatball tomato sauce


1 LB ground beef
1 LB pork sausage
1 cup Panko Japanese breadcrumbs
1 cup water
¼ c Marsala wine
½ c Parmesan cheese
2 large egg
1/4 c parsley
1 tsp salt
1 tsp black pepper
1 tsp fennel seeds powder
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp dried oregano
¼ tsp nutmeg powder

2 tablespoons olive oil
2 cup chopped onion
2 stalk celery, chopped
6 garlic cloves, chopped
1 tsp hot red pepper flakes
1 tsp fennel seeds
1 tsp dried oregano
2 14.5-oz can diced tomatoes
1 6-oz can tomato paste
2 tsp salt
1 tsp black pepper
1 TB sugar
2 c water

Some parmesan cheese, fresh basil leaves or fresh parsley to sprinkle on top of pasta

mix and blend all meatball ingredients in a mixer, use cookie spoon to shape the meatballs. Heat a pan with 2 Tb olive oil and brown the meatballs and set aside.

Use the same pan to sauté the onion, celery, garlic, pepper flakes, fennel seeds, oregano, add tomato paste, diced tomato, sugar, salt and pepper, add meatballs, water cover and simmer for a hour. Top your spaghetti with the sauce.

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Pasta with meat sauce:

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Pasta with pesto sauce:

Pesto sauce: toasted pine nuts, fresh sweet basil leaves, fresh grated parmesan cheese, garlic, extra virgin olive oil, salt and pepper blend all in a food processor.

Add pesto sauce, chopped basil leaves, pine nuts, and hot pepper flakes to cooked pasta and mix well.

Made this for my daughter to take to a potluck party, it was a hit,

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Made another one with whole grain pasta from Trader Joe’s with the leftover sauce.
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Two toppings: chicken with BBQ sauce and kielbasa sausage with salsa:

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Served with a salad:

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Williams-Sonoma Essential of Baking cook book never failed me so far.
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Picture from the book:
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1 杯水,

½ 杯糖,

3 个鸡蛋,

2 tsp ,

½ (一条) 黄油, 切小块,

5杯面粉, (我用的韩国的普通面粉)

5 tsp酵母粉


按顺序放入面包机里, ”dough” , 面发好后, 取出, 揉掉气, 不要加手粉, 如果有点粘就多揉几下, 分四等份, 搓成长条, 编成辩子, 放垫了烤纸的烤盘里, 盖上一块干毛巾, 让它第二次发酵, 要一小时, 面会发一倍大, 刷上蛋液, 撒芝麻或其它籽, 进预热 350F度烤箱, 放在烤箱倒数第二的烤架上(离火原远的), 30-35分钟, 表面金黄, 敲底部的声音是空的.  移到架上冷却.


面包里面很软, 很润, 很轻,

I used my bread machine again for making the dough,

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After 1 hour of proofing, it doubled the size

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1 - Heat these in a heavy sauce pan until it’s almost boiling, but don’t let it rise up, about 175F degree, set it aside

3 cup half & half
2 cup heavy cream
4 tsp vanilla
1/8 tsp salt

2- Whisk these in a mixer until it turns into lighter color,

8 egg yolk
1 cup sugar

3- Mix these in a bowl and mash them when they are soft,

3 cup fresh strawberry whole (or cut them smaller if you prefer less chunky pieces)
Juice of 1/2 lemon
3 Tb sugar

4-pour 1 to 2 slowly, then pour the mixed cream back into the heavy pan and continue to heat the cream mixture until the back of the spoon is coated, pour it into a bowl and chill in the fridge for more than 3 hours

5- Add the chilled cream into an ice cream machine bowl (keep it in the freezer for at least 15 hours) and churn the cream until it’s thickened, add strawberries into the mixture during the last 3-4 minutes of churning, scoop it into a container and freeze it for another 2 hours.

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