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Orange Madeleines,Red Velvet Cup Cake,纸杯戚风蛋糕

(2009-03-23 20:19:59) 下一个
Orange Madeleines – (Recipe from Williams-sonoma Essentials of Baking book)

2 eggs, 蛋,
1/3 c sugar,糖,
¼ tsp salt,盐,
½ tsp vanilla extract,香草精,
¼ tsp almond extract, 杏仁精,
½ c AP flour, 普通面粉,
1 tsp baking powder,泡打粉,
1 tsp orange zest, 桔皮屑,
¼ c butter, melted and cooled,奶油,

confectioners’ sugar for dusting, 糖粉,

先刨桔皮, 化奶油, 干料和湿料先分别拌匀, 再把他们倒在一起拌匀

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烤模先刷奶油,再均匀掸上面粉, 倒入面糊,

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375F烤箱,烤10-12分钟, 晾凉后,洒糖粉.

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Red Velvet Cup Cake (Recipe from

For cake:

2 ½ c AP flour,面粉,
1 tsp baking soda,小苏打,
1 tsp cocao,可可粉,
1 ½ c sugar,糖,
2 eggs,蛋,
1 ½ c canola oil,菜籽油,
1 tsp vinegar,白醋,
2 TB red food coloring,可食红色染料,
1 tsp vanilla,香草精,
1 c buttermilk,

For cream cheese frosting: 用hand mixer打匀.

½ c butter in room temp,奶油,
8 oz cream cheese, room temp,乳餎,
1 box confesctioner’s sugar,糖粉,
½ tsp vanilla,香草精,

干料和湿料先分别拌匀, 再把他们倒在一起拌匀,倒入垫了烤纸盘的马芬烤盘里,

进350F烤箱,烤20-25分钟, 晾凉后, 抹奶油, 


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1 cup cake flour,
1 cup sugar,
8 eggs, 蛋白,蛋黄分开
1/2 ts salt,
1 ½ teaspoon baking powder.
1/3 cup vegetable oil,
1/3 cup pineapple juice or milk. (I used milk)
1/2 tsp cream of tartar
1 tsp vanilla (我加的, 觉得可去掉蛋腥味)

先把蛋黄蛋白分开。 蛋白加1/2 tsp cream of tartar, 1 cup sugar 打发到中性发泡.

另用一盆,把蛋黄,cake flour, vegetable oil, milk,baking powder打成蛋黄糊.




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