大家有人知道江西是产樟木的地方吗? 这就是为什么我会对它有特殊的感情.
不知有人还记得,我在私房上的第一道菜就是这个烤三文鱼,当时刚从朋友那里得知有这个网站,很兴奋, 也不知深浅,就急不可待地上了这道菜, 当时又不会上贴,贴图,和马中文字, 多亏好心的JMM帮忙,毛毛妈还教会了我把图缩小, 咳, 想想都快一年了.
私房里真是藏龙卧虎, 在这里是大开眼界啊, 长了不少见识, 学了不少手艺, 今天在此再向大家深表谢意! 同时把这道菜再好好地写出来跟大家分享.
买来的樟木板,可以用来烤排骨, 鸡, 等其它东西, 上面有几个方子, 我用了烤三文鱼那个, 很好吃, 请客时很收欢迎, 也好做, 直接连木板摆在桌上也别有味道.
用这个烤鱼最大的好处是鱼肉很嫩, 很有水份, 不粘烤盘或grill grids,做三文鱼最理想, 三文鱼很容易烤老烤干, 用这个方法是零失败的.
我上次贴的是用 BBQ grill 炉子烤的, 香味十足. 用烤箱也很方便, 屋里没有烟味, 很棒,

1- pre-heat oven to 350F
2- soak cedar plank with water for 30 min, weighted down with heavy pot, or half time, turn to other side.

3- bake blank cedar wood plank for 5 min in 350F oven
4- rub salmon with dry seasoning mixture; allow salmon to rest for 5 min after seasoning with the dry rub:

dry rub:
1 TB black pepper
1/2 tsp cayenne
1/2 tsp Chile powder
1/2 tsp paprika
1 tsp fresh rosemary, minced (optional)
1/2 tsp garlic powder (or fresh minced garlic)
1/2 tsp salt
5- then before baking, brush with wet seasoning:

wet coating:

1/4 cup honey
1/4 rice vinegar
place salmon on plank, place plank on a baking sheet, then place in the center of oven. Bake in 350F for 10-15 min depends on how thick the salmon is.
The plank used in oven can be reused 3 to 4 times, where as if used in grill can only be used once. But the smoky flavor is more prominent if cooked in a grill.

看这一头是厚一点的, 爱吃带一点生的吃这边:

看这一头是薄一点的, 熟透了,但还是很湿润, 爱吃熟一点的吃这边:

总之, 都是入口即化, 味道我就不知道如何来文字来表达了, 你们就只能自己去试试了. 好吃
的三文鱼就是这样做出来的,口感, 香味..都在这里体现了.
烤红薯条— 一般我一用烤箱就多用一点,配菜我也尽量也解决掉. 这个烤红薯我也竭力推荐, 好吃.
红薯切条后,拌一点橄榄油,洒一点盐和黑胡椒粉, 再拌一点 切碎的 rosemary, 进 400 F 烤箱, 烤35分钟.

开水里加盐和油, 放雪豆和胡萝卜片烫一下就是个 side dish 了.
再来个甜点: 苹果派没少做, 孩子们小的时候, 常做了带给学校给老师拍马屁, 不过好久没做了, 这次用了个新方子, 有点生手了.
Ina Garten’s deep dish apple pie – 这个派用的苹果特别多.
Perfect pie crust
3 cup AP flour
1 tsp kosher salt (you can use ½ tsp table salt)
1 table spoon sugar
12 TB (1 ½ stick) very cold cubed unsalted butter
1/3 cup of very cold vegetable shortening cubed (I used Crisco shortening)
6 to 8 TB ice water
I did not follow her steps strictly, this is how I did it, in food processor, add all ingredients except ice water, pulse a few times until the crumbs are size of peas, add ice water one table spoon at a time until the dough forms a ball, take out and wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes to 1 hours.

Pie filling:
4 LB of Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored, and cut into small cubes
Zest of a lemon
Zest of an orange
2 TB lemon juice
1 TB orange juice
½ cup sugar
¼ cup AP flour (I used corn starch before, I like it better, but I try to stick with this one)
1 tsp kosher salt (you can use ½ tsp table salt)
¾ tsp ground cinnamon (I just used 1 tsp)
½ tsp ground nutmeg (if you don’t have this, don’t use it)
1/8 tsp ground allspice (if you don’t have this, don’t use it)

For crust:
1 egg beaten with 1 TB of water for glaze
1 tsp sugar for sprinkle on top
Roll the dough out into two round pie shaped pieces about ½ inch bigger than your pie dish, drape one piece on pie dish, and do not stretch the dough.
Mix all pie filling ingredients in a large bowl and fill the pie dish, place another pie crust on top, close the edge and slit the top a few times with a knife, brush egg wash and sprinkle sugar. I used a gadget to make the lattice top.
Bake in 400 pre-heated oven for 1 to 1 ¼ hours, until the crust is golden and juices bubble out. Half hour before it’s done, cover with foil to prevent the crust become too brown. Serve warm.
