
this blog is meant for my little precious

2009 x'mas present

(2009-12-26 23:22:57) 下一个
from santa: wooden block

from mom and dad: 2 polo (magician and dragon books), cookies count pop up book, paint set, abacus, 5 layer puzzle, bead set

she loves them all. she already strung few necklaces and hung them on the x'mas tree. painted two masterpieces and made big mess. for this i introduced the concept of punishment and kept the paint set in the closet for a week. at first she was excited about this new word "punishment", but started to grow impatient the day after x'mas.

the 5 layer puzzle is indeed too easy for her, i only taught her once and she could solve the puzzle all by herself. but still she could learn what is under her body. and she is very interested in organ lately.

she read the polo books by herself and was thrilled to have them as new collection. the pop up book did not receive big wahs and ohs as i anticipated, but she still "played" with it a few times.

abacus is now a musical intrument to her, she sings with it. but she had already tried count to 100 with it.

the blocks are very heavy with the storage box, cc and her daddy made few buildings with the blocks. maybe i should look for another set or architecture building set.

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