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[Mommy’s Love Note]: Last night I was cleaning up the big piles of papers the kids brought back home, when I found this short story my daughter Little J wrote at school about a month ago. It was a very cute piece of writing and I almost missed it! Yes, I sure love it!
I am now posting the story here, hoping my Little J would know how much I love her, and how proud I am of her very creative writing.
By the way, if you would like to leave a message for her, please leave it in English (or simple Chinese), and refer to her as “Birthday Girl”. That’s what she asked us to call her for today. Thank you! J
On St. Patrick’s Day I was walking in the sunshine. When I looked down the street I saw a four-leaf clover! I walked back and I saw the ice cream truck. The ice cream man gave me a free ice cream. Then I looked up and saw the sky turned green.
I also saw somebody walking with some puppies. The person with the puppies asked me if I wanted one. I said “sure”! So she gave me a puppy!
I went back home, and my mom said I could keep the puppy. Then she gave me a present. It was a leprechaun! I was very excited.
My mom took a shower. When she came back out she was green too!
Siling阿姨, you are so nice! I love both pairs of earings, and the necklace too! My mom took me to get my ears pierced today. I have two pink hearts on for now. I can't wait to put on what you got for me because they are so pretty! Thank you!
Amy's mom: it was so nice of Amy to give me that cute sharpener. I have not used it yet but I will when I have a pencil to sharpen. Thank you!
其实,书少读点也不是坏事,特别是对有想象力的人但没多少理解力的人。 一会把自己我们为强者,告诫我们,穷寇莫追, 一会让我们卧薪尝胆(大概就是这个意思)。一会让我们回家练习英语去。总结一点,这事交给我千源,肯定能搞颠。
她是被宠坏了的聪明孩子。书读得多,但想象力, 特别是对权力的想象力,太丰富,估计每天都被自己的想像激动着。
吕秀莲其实挺可爱的, 有时候, 我觉得。
I envy you that you have received free ice crean and you have a 'green mom'. My mom was still regular colour even on St Patrick's Day,but I love her all the same.
I haven't got Tamagotchi for birthday present, but if you can show me yours I will be happy too!
Much love,
aunti Lonegrass
你想,两边打仗, 连人都杀, 别的,什么爱心,宽容, 原谅,都别谈了。我们至今不还是喜欢看英雄保卫祖国打仗的故事么, one way or another!!!我们不是还是看到军队就觉得是保护国家合资记得么!
但真正可悲的是,处理内部的问题,也拿出对敌人的狠劲, 比如文革。
他们还是不住地问他,耶稣就直起腰来,对他们说,你们中间谁是没有罪的,谁就可以先拿石头打她。 于是又弯着腰用指头在地上画字。 他们听见这话,就从老到少一个一个地都出去了。
只剩下耶稣一人。还有那妇人仍然站在当中。 耶稣就直起腰来,对她说,妇人,那些人在哪里呢?没有人定你的罪吗? 她说,主阿,没有。耶稣说,我也不定你的罪。去吧。从此不要再犯罪了。
对了,网民对她的行动,我看是按汗**奸处理的方法来的。但问题是,她因为人在美国,不会觉得自己是汗**奸, (我也不知道她算不算)。 对汗**奸的处理,全世界都一样。 再次说一下,我不知道应不应该算她汗**奸,好像有点离谱。
但无名,你不要难过,人家小女孩一定能从中得到好处! 不要说我是小人之心,咱们等着看。
还有 ,无名,这不是咱中国人才干得出来的事情! 二战结束后,那些被迫和喝不被迫入侵的德国鬼子好的法国女孩,被极端羞辱,赶出城!!! 意大利电影, 一下子想不起来名字了(其中女主角就说了一句话),也就是反映的这个情形,只不过是在意大利!
还有,关于不 play politics, 是说给藏独的, 就是别在这时候, 把奥运会扯进来! 但藏独的事情,当然是politics. 小名,这个是事实,两码事情,不需难过。
对了,网民对她的行动,我看是按处理的方法来的。但问题是,她因为人在美国,不会觉得自己是, (我也不知道她算不算)。 的处理,全世界都一样。 再次说一下,我不知道应不应该算她,好像有点离谱
Happy birthday, Little J!
I love your writing.
但无名,你也难过,人家小女孩一定能从中得到好处! 不要说我是小人之心,咱们等着看。
还有 ,无名,这不是咱中国人才干得出来的事情,二战结束后,那些被迫和喝不被迫入侵的德国鬼子好的法国女孩,被极端羞辱,赶出城!!! 意大利电影, 一下子想不起来名字了(其中女主角就说了一句话),也就是反映的这个情形,只不过是在意大利!
还有,关于不 play politics, 是说给藏独de, 就是别在这时候, 把奥运会扯进来! 但藏独的事情,当然是politics. 小名,这个是事实,不需要难过。
本来这几天,觉得我们大家是在Play Olympics not Politics,却搞到如此局面,快要成了一场轰轰烈烈的政治运动,要表决心那种,我快无话可说了。
From Birthday Girl to Punny: I would like to turn green but it was not what I'd put in the story.
p.s. Little T recognized the Chinese characters in Punny's picture!
I love your story, especially the mommy turning green part. I guess it would be even fancier if you were green too. :)
Sanfengzi to Birthday Girl:
If we all work together, and work very hard, are we able to find a magic power that turns the sky as well as your mom green?
I think so, Little J, how do you think?
I like all the notes that you wrote me. Thank you!
From Little J to Siling 阿姨:You forgot to capitalize letter "s" for "Siling".
From Little J to sanfengzi: But that's only a story. They didn't really turn green!
I am taking Birthday Girl to pick her favorite Tamagotchi tonight. I know you all think she's so lucky!
I know that ice cream cone must have some magical power. It helped turn the sky and your mom green! How exciting!
I always wished I could've seen a green sky when I was a girl like you. So, I guess you are very lucky.
Oh and Birthday Girl did ask for me to light the candle on top of an ice cream for her tonight!
Happy birthday - I will have your mom bring a present to you on Sunday from siling 阿姨