我也以为江南的雨是销魂的,就去了江南。在无锡,碰上雨后大水,朋友家一楼积了很深的水,重要的东西都被堆在高处,我看着非常不牢固,怕积水稍有荡漾,晃动桌椅,那些易碎的物件就都落下来摔得粉碎。朋友却很习惯了的样子,跟我一起坐在楼上吃大馄饨,对面就是走船的窄河,河上有船,河边有人在骑车,异常平静,既不惊天动地也不旖旎销魂。直到将近两年前,我写《雨飘家山》一文 ,想起往事,这才体会出江南细雨的美好来。其中我回忆道:
来美国,也碰上过飓风。当时正怀着大女儿阿小 J ,天天捧着个大肚子,坐在电视机前看红色警报。因为怀孕,一直不敢喝茶不敢喝汽水,但是看警报的时候,我破例喝了一罐 Dr. Pepper ——反正不晓得自己和孩子明天的命运,不如眼前享受一下下再说。那个雨啊,也是下得昏天黑地的,很多很多天都不消停。出门必会湿了鞋袜和裤管,于是正好有了理由不必出门,跟爸爸妈妈扎在家里,隔着窗户看不得不出门谋生的人们,在大雨里埋起头佝着背走路,对自己的处境生出感恩的心来。三丰子写过段“冬天的好时光”,我看了对她说,我喜欢冬天的中午,在我们这儿基本都是阳光明媚。洗碗的时候,太阳正照在手上,特别暖和。暖和的好处,只有在寒冷的日子才体会得到。
歌曲欣赏:Ordinary Miracle
这是电影《夏洛特的网》(Charlotte's Web)主题曲,由Sarah McLachlan演唱。
Does Fatherhood Make You Happy?
Time Magazine, June 19, 2006
Sonora Smart Dodd was listening to a sermon on self-sacrifice when she decided that her father, a widower who had raised six children, deserved his very own national holiday. Almost a century later, people all over the world spend the third Sunday in June honoring their fathers with ritual offerings of aftershave and neckties, which leads millions of fathers to have precisely the same thought at precisely the same moment: “My children,” they think in unison, “make me happy.”
Could all those dads be wrong?
Studies reveal that most married couples start out happy and then become progressively less satisfied over the course of their lives, becoming especially disconsolate when their children are in diapers and in adolescence, and returning to their initial levels of happiness only after their children have had the decency to grow up and go away. When the popular press invented a malady called “empty-nest syndrome,” it failed to mention that its primary symptom is a marked increase in smiling.
Psychologists have measured how people feel as they go about their daily activities, and have found that people are less happy when they are interacting with their children than when they are eating, exercising, shopping or watching television. Indeed, an act of parenting makes most people about as happy as an act of housework. Economists have modeled the impact of many variables on people’s overall happiness and have consistently found that children have only a small impact. A small negative impact.
Those findings are hard to swallow because they fly in the face of our most compelling intuitions. We love our children! We talk about them to anyone who will listen, show their photographs to anyone who will look and hide our refrigerators behind vast collages of their drawings, notes, pictures and report cards. We feel confident that we are happy with our kids, about our kids, for our kids and because of our kids—so why is our personal experience at odds with the scientific data?
Three reasons.
First, when something makes us happy we are willing to pay a lot for it, which is why the worst Belgian chocolate is more expensive than the best Belgian tofu. But that process can work in reverse: when we pay a lot for something, we assume it makes us happy, which is why we swear to the wonders of bottled water and Armani socks. The compulsion to care for our children was long ago written into our DNA, so we toil and sweat, lose sleep and hair, play nurse, housekeeper, chauffeur and cook, and we do all that because nature just won’t have it any other way. Given the high price we pay, it isn’t surprising that we rationalize those costs and conclude that our children must be repaying us with happiness.
Second, if the Red Sox and the Yankees were scoreless until Manny Ramirez hit a grand slam in the bottom of the ninth, you can be sure that Boston fans would remember it as the best game of the season. Memories are dominated by their most powerful—and not their most typical—instances. Just as a glorious game-winning homer can erase our memory of 8 1/2 dull innings, the sublime moment when our 3-year-old looks up from the mess she is making with her mashed potatoes and says, “I wub you, Daddy,” can erase eight hours of no, not yet, not now and stop asking. Children may not make us happy very often, but when they do, that happiness is both transcendent and amnesic.
Third, although most of us think of heroin as a source of human misery, shooting heroin doesn’t actually make people feel miserable. It makes them feel really, really good—so good, in fact, that it crowds out every other source of pleasure. Family, friends, work, play, food, sex—none can compete with the narcotic experience; hence all fall by the wayside. The analogy to children is all too clear. Even if their company were an unremitting pleasure, the fact that they require so much company means that other sources of pleasure will all but disappear. Movies, theater, parties, travel—those are just a few of the English nouns that parents of young children quickly forget how to pronounce. We believe our children are our greatest joy, and we’re absolutely right. When you have one joy, it’s bound to be the greatest.
Our children give us many things, but an increase in our average daily happiness is probably not among them. Rather than deny that fact, we should celebrate it. Our ability to love beyond all measure those who try our patience and weary our bones is at once our most noble and most human quality. The fact that children don’t always make us happy—and that we’re happy to have them nonetheless—is the fact for which Sonora Smart Dodd was so grateful. She thought we would all do well to remember it, every third Sunday in June.