夏时制/冬时制(Daylight Saving Time, or, DST)这个不招人待见的制度究竟是怎么开始的呢?有人说是为了方便农民伯伯,有人说是一战/二战的产物。
二战早成了历史,可历史却留下了讨厌的夏时制给我们。1966年的The Uniform Time Act of 1966开始了夏冬的人为交替,我们遵循至今。
而最早脑子进水的那个人他叫Benjamin Franklin,我小时候还背过他不少名言,说明他还是有闪光点的,可惜不是在这件事情上。这个富兰克林在1784年写了篇文章, "
于是,1973年间,好多人反对这个制度――早晨校车交通事故骤然增多。再后来,又出了个加拿大1991到1992年间交通事故调查研究,University of British Columbia的教授Stanley Coren搞的,证明在四月份,时间往前拨了之后的礼拜一早晨,交通事故比平常增加了百分之八。这位教授认为事故的增加是睡眠不足造成的。在他写给New England Journal of Medicine的信中指出: "These data show that small changes in the amount of sleep that people get can have major consequences in everyday activities."他后来的跟进研究更加证实了他的说法――即便是短短一小时的时间变更,也会搅扰睡眠模式,不良影响可以持续五天之久。
The disruption in sleep patterns associated with setting clocks either forward or backward correlates with a small increase in the number of fatal auto accidents,[5] (cf. above estimate of net decrease in fatal auto accidents of 50) as well as lost productivity as sleep-disrupted workers adjust to the schedule change.[6]
Some studies do show that changing the clock increases the traffic accident rate.[8] Following the spring shift to DST, when one hour of sleep is lost, there is a measurable increase in the number of traffic accidents that result in fatalities.
It is also noted that much effort is spent reminding everyone twice a year of the change, and thousands are inconvenienced by showing up at the wrong time when they forget.[citation needed]
Since DST exchanges morning daylight for evening daylight, late sunrises occur when DST is in effect either too far before the vernal equinox or too far after the autumnal equinox and darkness in the morning can be undesirable for early risers like schoolchildren and workers who must awaken at 6:30 a.m. or earlier.
There is also a question whether the decrease in lighting costs justifies the increase in summertime air conditioning costs. Workers arriving home to an empty house during hotter hours will need to use more energy to cool their house.[citation needed] It is also speculated that one of the benefits—more afternoon sun—would also actually increase energy consumption as people get into their cars to enjoy more time for shopping and the like.[citation needed]
DST's twice-annual shifts in recorded time cause legal and business-operational complications, as shown in the following examples. During a North American time change, a fall night during which clocks are reset from 2 a.m. DST to 1 a.m. Standard Time, times between 1 a.m. and 2 a.m. will occur twice, causing confusion in transport schedules, payment systems, etc.[citation needed] DST's annual autumn shift in recorded time—which causes an hour of the same numerical name to be recorded twice—also means that people born during one of those two hours have no way to know which of standard time or DST was used to record the time of their birth, unless someone such as a parent makes a note of it; birth certificates rarely keep track of this. A British politician, Lord Balfour, noted the legal complications in British law: "Supposing some unfortunate Lady was confined with twins and the first child was born 10 minutes before 3 o'clock British Summer Time. ... the time of birth of the two children would be reversed. ... Such an alteration might conceivably affect the property and titles in that House."[7]
Daylight saving time also causes much confusion with international business, people who commute across time zones, and computer networks that span multiple time zones. One particular problem for scheduling systems is that it makes the length of a day variable. Each year there is one 23 hour day and one 25 hour day, causing display and time tracking problems, especially when coordinating events between time zones.
People who work nights often have an extra hassle logging how many hours they worked, since it will be either one hour more or one hour less than the simple difference in start/stop times.
DST is particularly unpopular among people working in agriculture[9] because they must rise with the sun regardless of what the clock says, and thus the people are placed out of synchronization with the rest of the community, including school times, broadcast schedules, and the like.
参考网站: www.standardtime.com
感冒冲剂这次咋就没用了呢,只好启用我坚强意志 :-))))
写作很辛苦。 注意保重身体!。